2002-07-12 ~ 2:09 p.m.
birds fly over the rainbow--why then, oh why cant I?

Listening to:

Listening to: El radiator. I'm turning on the TV now, though.

Ahhh I'm so excited! And I just CANNOT hide it. For I have started up a new review site, Rainbow Reviews. I'm so proud. *tear* Only I don't know how much business it's gonna pull in, considering how many review sites are around already. I'm hoping it catches on, but if not, it's okay because I have the other two review sites to worry about, plus this diary of course. Anyway. I suggest you all check it out and submit for review! If you sign my guestbook, I'll give you three extra points! And I'm an easy reviewer, too. Come on. You know you want to. All the cool kids are doing it. Haha.

My mom and dad got mad at me because I was up until four o' clock in the morning last night. And just for the record, I have never stayed up that late on the computer, and I had no idea it was four o' clock. They think I'm like browsing porn sites or something. I'm like Gee Daddy thanks for having so much faith in me. Anyway.

My mom got a condo in Cape May for August. I'm excited, but my dad got mad. He says we should save money for my college tuition. My mom says screw it, she's going to get a second job anyway. Me? I'm thinking I'll try to get a scholarship.

Rrr I still have to shower and stuff because I actually have to go somewhere today. I'm going to my friend Lauren's house, for pizza and movies and stuff. I think it's really cute the way she's trying to get us all to still get together over the summer. And it's great that her parents are so cool with it. My parents would be like "Summer is a time for getting a head start on your schoolwork for next year. NO FUN FOR YOU." Actually, I'm pretty excited for next year. I won't be terrified because I'll know my way around, and plus there'll be new freshman to harass! And of course I'll be kind to the select few (Mark, Todd, Amy--basically all the people who were in the Jazz band in junior high), but the others? "Um, excuse me, where's the F-wing?" "Oh. First you have to go to the library. Go to the Reference section. You will see a large bookcase against the wall. On the seventh shelf down, push in the fourth book from the right. The wall will open counter-clockwise. Now you can enter the labyrinth. Go right, right, left, right, left, left, right, left, left and left. Step into the canoe, row halfway through the lake, then swamp your canoe. The lake will drain, and there will be a trap door on the bottom of the floor. Open this. Once you have killed the mummy, you can proceed to the obstacle course..."

Well, you get the idea. But I'm just kidding, I don't think any freshman will actually ask me for directions anyway, considering that I look like a freshman anyway. Ehh this entry is too long. Visit Rainbow Reviews!

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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