2002-12-15 ~ 8:48 p.m.
w/ the kids jingle bell-ing and everyone telling you be of good cheeeaaarrraah

Listening to:

Listening to: "Said I wanna buy these shoes..for my mama please..." I cry every time I hear this song. No, I'm not a dork.

Wow, what a great weekend I just had. No seriously. I had so much fun this weekend, and I don't think I deserved it. Let's just list all the awesomely great things that happened to me this weekend. In sequential order:

  • Lindsay (whose new haircut is great, by the way--haha Linds) came over for a little and my mommy brought home pizza!! Yes, the pizza was the exciting part.
  • My mother and I went shopping and I bought presents for people, and all of Lindsay's present, which rocks in my opinion, mainly because I spent a while looking for each thing and that time was pretty valuable to me, haha. No but seriously. It's a cool present.
  • Went to Julie's house with Lindsay and we had lots of fun just hanging out. We made cookies, woo hoo!

  • Shopping!! I got lots of things, but nothing for myself, of course not. I got presents for people. Ilana, Karen, my sister, and my mom. Also had lots of fun just walking around with Lindsay. And then, after the shopping...
  • FONDUE! Arrraagghah. If you live in the Philly/South Jersey area and you have not been to the Melting Pot, I strongly recommend that you go, IMMEDIATELY. It is one of the coolest places I've been to. It's fun even if you don't like bread/cheese! Because the meal technique is very innovative. You will have to visit the restaurant to know what I'm talking about ;) Anyway, I had loads of fun and the food, especially the dessert, was amazing. Also a hot busboy talked to us, and that was very thrilling as well.
  • Finished my English essays in an hour. That wasn't fun, especially because they suck, but the fact that I got these essays out of the way makes room for more fun on...

  • Mainly I went to see Lindsay's band, the Garden State Pops, play at CCC in Blackwood. They were very good. There were a few timing errors and some wrong notes, but still, the level of music they were playing was very high, and that impressed me. They played "Sleigh Ride" as their first number, and when it first stared I seriously was wondering "Did they turn the CD back on??" Because they were playing a CD of Christmas songs during the intermission. But anyway.
  • Had lots of fun at a fun buffet, ate a lot too. I spent some quality time with Emily and Teddy today, because Lindsay was like over practicing her fun music. I had fun with them, though. They didn't argue too much while I was around. Overall a very good afternoon/evening.
  • Got online and the very first person to IM me is SHM and he asks me, "Wow, where have you been all day??" I was like, TEE HEE he wants to know where I've been, TEE HEE! Agggh I'm such a loser.

Aaaand that's all folks. My super-fantastic weekend. I'm not looking forward to returning to school at ALL, because I have to turn in my crap essays and get back my crap Geometry test and get a crap grade on my History test, oh and another crap grade on my History essay. And raaaa. Yuck-o. But hey, 5 more days and then it's the most wonderful time of year! Yay. Goodnight!

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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