2002-07-11 ~ 9:49 p.m.
survey says AGAIN

Listening to:

Body Ills and Skills

Nervous Habits: I can't think of one that I do now, but when I was younger I used to punch my hand when I was nervous, which was bad because people thought I was going to like hit them or something. Oh, Lindsay says I shake my legs all the time. There.

Do you bite your nails? Nope.

Do you pick your nose? Yeah, but not in public and not for recreation, only if it's really necessary.

Are you double jointed? Yes, in all of my fingers and my thumbs.

Can you roll your tongue? Yessirree Bob.

Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? Well I can, but only because when I raise both of my eyebrows, one of my eyebrows is actually lower than the other. So, I guess I can't really.

Can you blow smoke rings? Nope, and I don't see how that skill would ever be useful to anyone.

Can you blow spit bubbles? No, not the real kind that you form on your tongue or whatever.

Can you flare your nostrils? Yes.

Can you cross your eyes? Yes.

Tattoos? Um, no. And I wouldn't get one unless it was a life or death situation. In which case I would get a REALLY SMALL tattoo of a music staff, on my back.

Piercings and where? Two in both ears.

Do you make your bed daily? I'm supposed to, but I usually don't.


What goes on first, bra or underwear? Underwear.

Which shoe goes on first? Um. What usually happens is I go to put a certain pair of shoes on, find one, put that one on, and then go on a search for the other.

On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? However much my mom gives me :P

What jewelry do you wear 24/7? My watch, my "Shine" bracelet, and my ID bracelet.

What's sexiest on a guy? Jeans. Just jeans. *evil look* I'll take Birkenstocks and a sock tan over DKNY and Polo Ralph Lauren any day.

For a chick (GIRL. Who uses "chick" anymore?) As long as a girl appears happy in her surroundings, I think she would be appealling. If you look miserable all the time, no one will think you're pretty.

Would you rather be on time and look OK or 10 minutes late and look great? On time. Punctuality is a big thing with me, and also I wouldn't want to look shallow.

Favorite Piece of Clothing: My orange ostrich shirt, which is ripping now so I don't wear it a lot :(

Pajamas: I wear pjs from the Philippines; they're ruffly and made of really thin cotton and they have like yellow paisley prints on them.


Do you wind your spaghetti or cut it? Wind it.

Have you ever eaten Spam? Yeah huh! On pan de sal with some mayo and pickle relish! That is my Saturday morning breakfast right there! I think it's a "My Family" thing.

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Edy's "Fudge Tracks," it's vanilla ice cream with these huge sheets of chocolate and litte peanut butter cups in it. Yummm.

How many cereals in your cabinet? Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch, Grape nuts (euw), and umm I think that might be it. I don't feel like getting up and checking.

What's your favorite beverage? Good ol' H20.

What's your favorite restaurant? It'd be between Fridays, Bennigans, and Chili's.

What utensils do you use to eat pizza? ...my hands???

Do you cook? Si si senora. Not well, mind you.


How often do you brush your teeth? Twice a day.

How often do you shower/bathe? Every day

How long does your shower last? 8-10 minutes, at the longest.

Hair drying method: I let it air dry.

Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? No. My mom would never let me, and my father would mock me for the rest of my life. Of course, it wouldn't hurt. My hair is so blah. Just black.

If that fountain of youth existed, would you drink from it? No. Because it would suck to be a teenager for my whole life. And plus, I want to see what God looks like. Ten bucks says she's a woman.

Do you paint your nails? Yeah, when I find time.

Would you rather have genital herpes or be 50 lbs. over weight? I'll take the 50 pounds, thanks.


Do you swear? Yeah. I picked it up when I was growing up, and it just became a habit. I don't find it a particularly attractive or proper way of expressing yourself, though, and I don't swear around Lindsay though, because she'd throw a fit.

Do you ever spit? Only if I have to.

What's Your Favorite...

Actor/Actress: Actor: Agh so many so many! But if Ben Stiller's in a movie, I'll see it right away. Actress: Michelle Pfeiffer and Audrey Hepburn.

Animal: Don't really have one. I like dogs, I guess. I don't like reptiles and/or amphibians.

Food: French fries.

Month: April (hm wonder why!) and December

Day: Friday/Saturday

Cartoon: Daria, Spongebob and Hey Arnold.

Flower: Daisies.

Shoe Brand: Don't really have a favorite. Whichever shoes I like, I buy.

Subject in school: English or any writing course.

Color: blue or red, or purple (ha)

Person to talk to: Lindsay, Abbey and Vanessa

Sport: To watch? Basketball. To play? Ultimate frisbee!!!

Body part on/in you: Don't really have a favorite body part. I don't like any of my physical attributes, really.

Body part on the opposite sex: Hands. Rawr.

TV show: Degrassi: The New Generation, Hey Arnold, Spongebob, Whose Line, SNL, Daria

Movie: JAPC, Rat Race, Now and Then, Willy Wonka, Wizard of Oz, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Zoolander

Holiday: Christmas :)

Book: Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass, and all the other fairy-tale classics too, like Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz.

Vacationing Spot: Myrtle Beach is really nice, but I don't think we'll be going back there soon. Disney World, of course.

Thing to do in Spring: Frolick in grassy meadows???? There's nothing to DO in the Spring! There's my birthday, but that's about it.

Thing To Do In The Summer: Bum around and watch VH-1.

Thing To Do In The Fall: Get together with family--for some reason, we always have more get-togethers during the fall.

Thing To Do In The Winter: Randomly break into Christmas songs. We do that in my family, you know.

Perfume or Cologne: Bath and Body Works' Creamy coconut yummm. It's lotion, though, so I dunno if it counts.

TV Station: NOGGIN!!!

Model (Male or Female): Ummmm...oh! Ashton Kutcher was a model. Ha.

Game: JENGA!! Just kidding. I don't have one really, but I like games where I can show off my vocabulary, like Scrabble or Scattergories.

In and Around

The CD Player: I put Billy Gilman's Dare to Dream in my sister's CD player. I'm listening to an MP3 of The Carpenters' "Merry Christmas Darling" on the computer right now.

Person you talk most on the phone with: Lindsay.

Ever taken a cab? Yes.

Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? Yeah. Yes, I know I'm vain.

What color is your bedroom? Well, it's GONNA be blue and white and yellow and star-themed, but right now it's just empty.

Do you use an alarm clock? Radio. Alarm clock. Yeah.

Name one thing you are obsessed with: Canadian actors.

Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex? No. Is that something that people regularly do and I'm just the only one who's never experienced this??

Ever sunbathed nude? No, and I don't feel the need to.

Window seat or aisle? Window.

La La Land

What's your sleeping position? Sprawled out everywhere.

What kind of bed do you like? Full size is fine for me, because I'm small and I don't move around a lot, but if I had room for a king size, I would totally take it.

Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? Sometimes, especially in the mornings when I'm just lying in my bed and the A/C comes on.

Do you snore? I think I do. I've obviously never heard myself, but I have a feeling I do.

Do you sleepwalk? Um, I hope not.

Do you talk in your sleep? Only on one occasion have I been told that I was talking in my sleep. But I guess I must do it sometimes.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animals? No, but I do like stuffed animals. My favorites are my elephant (I told Linds his name was Godfrey but I was kidding, he's just an elephant), Piglet, and my Build-A-Bear bear.

How about with the light on? No. And it really bothers me when there are lights on, too. Like if there's a little sliver of light coming in from the hallway, I go out and shut off the light.

Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? Yes. I fall asleep to music A LOT. It's like someone singing a lullaby, you know?

Which Is Better...

Coke or Pepsi? I don't like soda.

Oranges or apples? Apples

One pillow or two? Two.

Deaf or blind? Neither!!!!

Pools or hot tubs? Pools.

Blondes or brunettes? Are we talking about guys? Cause I prefer to call them "light-haired" and "dark-haired." Blonde and brunette sound so feminine. Anyway. I don't really care.

Tall or short? I'd rather be short, even though I complain all the time, because then there are rarely any guys who would be taller than me. But my actual height of 5 foot (yeah I'm just gonna round up from now on) is a little unhealthy, so I'd like to be kind of taller.

TV or radio? Both, for different reasons.

Beach or pool? Pool--salt water feels so dirty.

Tic-Tacs or Certs? Tic-tacs

Snooze button or jump out of bed? Depends. If it's my birthday or Christmas, jump outta bed. If it's a Saturday, snooze button.

Sunrise or Sunset? They're the same thing, only backwards :P

Hamburger or Cheeseburger? CHEESE baby.

Morning or night? Don't really have a preference, I'm a "peppy" in the morning as I am at night.

Sports or news? I like the news, but not like CSPAN or anything, and I like sports--except for golf. I can't stand that.

Bikini or one-piece? Whatever fits me in the store. And by "fits" I mean "doesn't make me break down in tears when I look at myself." Ha.

Indoors or outdoors? Indoors, definitely.

Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Both. The whole Christmas season is just really special to me.

Cake or ice cream? Ice cream cake!!!

Bert or Ernie? Um...pass?? Haha just kidding, I liked them both equally--they were foils--if you had one without the other it was just boring.

Spicy or Mild? Depends. I don't want like spicy chicken fingers, but spicy Mexican food or whatever is okay.

Spearmint or Peppermint? Don't have a preference.

Call or Write? I call people more often than I write them, but if I could I'd write them, because I probably sound a lot more intelligent on paper.

Peanut Butter or Jelly? Both :)

Hamburger or Hot Dog? CHEESEburgers.

Dog or Cat? Well I have a dog, so you can infer from that. Dogs more suit me, anyway. I'm kinda like my own dog, if I think about it. Really hyper, easily scared, excited when we have company. Haha I never thought about that.

Bath or shower? I used to want to take baths all the time, but now I'm just like...gotta run gotta do this gotta hurry gotta go somewhere, so showers just fit better into my schedule. Now that it's summer, though, I could take baths more often, but to tell the truth, they're not that appealing anymore.

Book or Movie? Does this question mean that if a book was made into a movie, would I like the book better than the movie, or vice versa? Cause in that case I'd take the book, just to be difficult. But anyway. Sometimes I'm in the mood to see a movie, and sometimes I'm in the mood to read a book.

Green or Red apples? I don't really like apples that much.

Rain or Snow? Snow :)

Nike or Adidas? Adidas?? I dunno.

When Was the Last Time You...

Watched Bambi: Not recently. I'm just not fond of BAWLING MY EYES OUT, that's all.

Cried? Ha what an appropriate placement of this question! Ahem. Anyway. I don't remember, but I think it was recently.

Talked on the phone? Today, about 45 minutes ago.

Read a book? I read every night.

Punched someone? I've never gotten so mad as to punch someone, and I'm sure I wouldn't actually hurt them, anyway.

The Future

Where do you see yourself in ten years? Just out of college, hopefully with my first job, probably still writing, and hopefully still friends with Lindsay.

Who are you going to be married to? Probably someone who I meet in a really embarrassing way, like I crash into him and spill iced tea all over him, or I trip on something and fall on him or something.

How many kids? Maybe three, but if it's too painful I may stop at one. I definitely want kids, though.

Your profession: English teacher and part-time journalist.

Future School: Somewhere far away from here!! Ha, just kidding, I'd like to stay on the East coast but I want to get away from New Jersey. Maybe Stamford or something (they have campuses in like Connecticut and New York).

Car of Your Dreams: I joke that I want a utility van, but I'd like a little compact car that's easy to handly, like a Passat or an Echo.

I wanna live: For a year in NYC, a year in San Francisco, maybe a year in a totally different country, and then come back home to the Hill (or a likely suburban area) and start a family.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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