2002-07-14 ~ 6:49 p.m.
Who has time to write these things?!?!?

Listening to:

I see... My computer monitor and keyboard, and well, all the other computer-related stuff, "Drops of Jupiter" sheet music, a graphing calculator, a beer mug from the Philippines, my mom's Palm pilot, a coffee mug, lots of floppy disks, and a Bath and Body Works Coconut body cream thing.

I need... to lose weight :P.

I find... Mandy Moore to be extremely overrated.

I want... EVERYTHING!!! Okay, maybe not everything. I just want to be happy. Which, I guess, I am. But I want to be happier. There, that's better.

I have... lots of things...

I wish... I had three wishes ;)

I love... almost everything. Boys (particularly Canadian ones). My family. My best friend. I don't hate anything, except for a few choice people who will not be named, soda, and eggs.

I hate... Breakfast foods, Mandy Moore/Britney Spears/Christina Have-no-hair-a (or anyone who fits into that category), and when my parents tell me that I'm going to go to a community college. And I hate being wrong, and being corrected RRR. Haha.

I miss... my mommy!!! Not really. I don't miss much except my cousins Anne, Alex and Jordan (the two last ones passed on, Anne just lives in Ohio).

I fear... drowning, sharp pointed objects, winged insects, and so much more. I am easily frightened.

I feel... bored, and kinda sad that I'm not going back to camp next year.

I hear... The TV talking about the IGIA Twist-a-braid.

I smell... like roses :D haha just kidding. Nothing.

I think... that it's not so hard to tell who likes you and who doesn't.

I crave... Nothing right now. I'm not very hungry.

I search... for hot guys. Everywhere. And for a way to balance all of the things I love to do without having a conniption.

I wonder... when my sister will grow up. And if my parents would like me more if I got better grades and lost weight. Cause sometimes it really seems like they're not satisfied with me *tear* I know I know.

I regret... lots of stuff. I tend to act before I think, so I've made a lot of mistakes. AND I'M SORRY FOR EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM...Okay God??? Okay.

[A Last time for Everything]

Last book you read: Just Ella. It was good.

Last movie you saw AT THE MOVIES: Scooby Doo.

Rented: Just today I rented A Walk to Remember, The Majestic, and Billy Elliot.

Last song you heard: "There's A Hero," by Billy Gilman.

Last thing you had to drink: Some water.

Last time you showered: Last night.

Last thing you ate: popcorn.

Last time you smiled?: Ummm recently? I smile a lot.

Last time you laughed?: See above.

Last time you cried?: Don't remember.

Last time you bought something?: When we went to Franklin Mills last week.

Last time you danced?: Umm I guess during recitals, in early June.

Last time you were sarcastic?: I'm sarcastic a lot, though I have to stop that.


What do you most like about your body?: Nothing, really.

And least?: my calves *blech* they're humongous, ask anyone.

How many fillings do you have?: um three or four? I'm probably way off.

Do you think you're good looking?: On the inside, yes. Hahaha I'm so cheesy.

Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking?: No. They tell me I'm "cute" and "so little" and "perpetually happy." Like it's a compliment or something.

Do you look like any celebrities?: No.


Do you wear a watch?: Si si senor.

How many coats and jackets do you own?: One that I like.

Favorite pants/skirt color?: Jeans, if that counts as a color.

Most expensive item of clothing?: My Mavis, which I cut down to capris and wore so much that they frayed at the pocket and I had to throw them out.

What kind of shoes do you wear?: Any kind I like.

Describe your style in one word: "Melissa." Ha.

[Your Friends]

Do your friends 'know' you?: No one really knows me.

What do they tend to be like?: We're all different. We compliment each other--bring out the good character traits in each other.

Are there traits in you that are universally liked?: There are no traits that are universally liked, sweetie.

How many people do you tell everything to?: Three--but only one of them is not related to me by blood.


Favorite band ever?: Hanson.

Most listened to bands: Hanson, Billy Joel, The Carpenters, Billy Gilman

Do you find any musicians good-looking? Tcha. Way too many to list.

Can you play an instrument?: Piano/flute/guitar, but I'm not great or anything.

Type of music most listened to?: Anything and everything.

Type never listened to?: None.

Favorite book?: Alice In Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking-Glass.


Do you detest religion?: Of course not.

How do you think this universe was formed?: I'm not a believer in either theory. I just don't worry about it. Whatever happened, it worked, right?

If you currently follow a religion, do you think people who belong to another religion are ignorant? Absolutely not.

If you were in a hostage situation, and you were given a choice, to either praise the demon they follow or die, what would you choose?: Die.


What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands?: "WHAT IN THE? Okay Melissa don't be close-minded."

Do you detest homosexuality?: No.

Do you agree or disagree with gay or lesbian couples bringing up children?: I'd be concerned about the child, like if he/she would be confused or teased when he got older, but I'm not against the concept. There have been stranger family situations.

[General Questions]

Whom do you believe is the smartest man alive at the moment?: My daddy :)

What do you prefer, a sunny or rainy day?: Sunny.

Do you consider yourself lucky?: Definitely.

Do you feel pity for people who commit suicide?: Not pity, per se. Just sorrow.

Choose one word to describe how you feel most often: Restless.


Do you own any plaid clothing?: Don't tell anyone...yes.

Do you own Converse shoes?: Nope.

Do you own Saucony shoes?: No...

Do you own old school Nikes?: Am I supposed to?? Is this the accepted standard in society now??? Sorry.

Do you wear tight pants?: Not really. My parents think they're tight.

Is there more than one zipper in your pants?: Not the ones I'm wearing now...and not in any of the ones I own, I don't think.

Do you know what a squatter flap is?: Um. Am I supposed to?

Do you own a messenger bag?: Yeah

Do you wear your messenger bag across your chest?: Isn't that how you're supposed to do it?

Do you own braces?: No.

Are braces worn anywhere besides the mouth?: You can have a leg brace or an arm brace or a knee brace or a...you get the picture.

Do you have short, shaggy hair?: ...I don't think I do.

Does your hairstyle exceed a height of 3 inches?: It exceeds a length of three inches, if that's what you mean.

Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon?: I used to--when it was super-long and I wore it in a ponytail, if I swung my head around and hit someone in the face they were like I'm BLIND!!!!

Do you think mohawks are "neat"?: Sure.

Is your hair black or red?: Black, I guess. But only cause I was born that way. And it's not really black anyway, just a really dark shade of brown. Buuut anyway.

Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye?: Um, no.

Do you own a bandana?: I think I might.

Do you wear plugs in your ears?: No, and they look kind of painful to me. Are they?

Are you amused by safety pins?: No.

Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute?: Hahaha no.

Do you own one or more objects with studs or spikes in them?: No, I don't like studs or spikes or rhinestones or frayed ends, or glitter or anything like that.

Do you own one or more articles of clothing from Dogpile, Lip Service, or Tiger of London?: No, and I don't even know what those things mean!! Is that weird??

Do you enjoy leopard print?: No.


Are you disgruntled (having a general hate for everything)?: No.

Are you an anarchist?: No.

Does the American flag anger you?: No!

Are you "working class"?: Well, considering I don't work...

Do you dislike "preps"?: Haha, a few of them. But I could be described as "prep" myself, in relation to some people, so I won't say anything.

Do you dislike Hot Topic?: Hahaha, no I don't dislike it at all. Actually I maybe think that the people at Hot Topic would dislike me.

Do you smoke cigarettes?: EWWW no.

Do you smoke cloves?: You can DO THAT???

Are you a thin waif?: Hahaha surely you jest!

Are you vegan/vegetarian?: No way I could never do that, I'd die of deprivation!

Do you think meat is murder?: Sometimes, when I really think about it, but then I smell my dad grilling and I'm like...I have no willpower!!!!!

Do your nighttime activities usually involve drunken underage vomiting?: Definitely not. My nighttime activities include watching Degrassi and wearing ruffly pajamas.

Have you ever slept in an alley or park?: No.

Do you wash your hair less than once a week?: No.

Have you ever gone a week without a shower?: No.

Have you ever been avoided due to your odor?: I don't know, maybe. Hahaha.

Do you know who Jack Kerouac is?: Yes...wait I think I might be confusing him with someone else...never mind.

Do you like Mr. Kerouac?: ...No comment.

Should Mumia Abu-jamal be freed from prison?: Um yes? No? I'm sorry I haven't been watching MSNBC lately :(

Are you a member of the Makeout Club?: No.

Do you say "rad"?: No, but I think I should start. HA just kidding.

[Stuff Again]

Name: Melissa (this is a REALLY long survey)

Do you like it?: Not really, but then I can't think of a name I'd rather have that would really suit me. So then, I guess I do kind of like it.

Nicknames: Nope.

Screen names: merami05 (AIM), themadhatter23 (MSN)

Age: 15

Birthday: 4/23/87

Sign: Taurus.

Location: JERSEY!

School: CHHSE (wow that's really long...I just usually say "East" or "CHE"

Status: Single

Crush: LOTS and LOTS of 'em.

Virgin?: Yessiree Bob.

Natural hair color: black/brown

Current hair color: black/brown

Eye color: Brown.

Height: Let's just round it up to 5 foot.

Birthplace: Voorhees, NJ.

Shoe size: 6, 6.5, or 7. Depends on the shoe.


Parents: Castorrrr (who actually has more names, but I call him Daddy anyway) and Susan.

Siblings: 1 sister

Live with: All of the above.

Favorite relative: Abbey, Vaness, and Anne.


What day is it tomorrow?: Monday.

What are you going to do after this?: Crack my fingers.

Who are you going to talk to?: Lindsay

Where are you going to go?: I'm gonna stay right here.

How old will you be when you graduate?: 18.

What do you wanna be?: English teacher/journalist.

What is one of your dreams?: To meet a guy who has absolutely nothing wrong with him, who likes me, and who doesn't like anyone else. I call this a dream because it's not likely to happen :( Aren't I pathetic?

Where will you be in 25 years?: Who knows?

[Have You Ever]

Drank?: No

Smoked?: No

Had sex?: No

Stolen?: Shh..yeah.

Done anything illegal?: see above.

Wanted to die?: Yeah.

Hit someone?: Yeah.

[Which One]

Do you write in cursive or print?: Both.

Are you a lefty or a righty?: Righty.

What piercing do you have?: Ears.

Do you drive?: No.

Do you have glasses or braces?: Glasses

Did you like this survey?: TOO DAMN LONG

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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