2002-07-17 ~ 7:24 p.m.
4 and 7

Listening to:

Four vacations you have taken:
1. Disney World
2. California
3. Myrtle Beach
4. The Poconos

Four songs you get stuck in your head frequently:
1. Anything by Billy Gilman
2. Anything by Hanson
3. "Moon River," Audrey Hepburn
4. "Only the Good Die Young," Billy Joel

Four things you'd like to learn:
1. Juggle
2. Swim better
3. the harp
4. to move things with my mind

Four beverages you drink frequently:
1. water
2. water
3. water
4. water

Four tv shows that were on when you were a kid:
1. The Wonder Years
2. Full House
3. Salute Your Shorts
4. Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Four places to go in your area:
1. The Mall(s)--there are two that I usually go to.
2. The Movies (Loews, AMC, Cinemark)
3. The Promenade--this huge shopping center that is where all the JAPs (ack! Jewish American Princesses, not the derogatory term for the Japanese that was used during WWII) shop and I'm never been there but I'm sure I could if I wanted to.
4. Starbucks

Four things to do when you're bored:
1. go online and work on my diary
2. play the piano or guitar
3. call Lindsay
4. watch TV or a DVD

Four things that never fail to cheer you up:
1. My doggie.
2. Billy Gilman - "Wouldn't wanna be foaming at the mouth!!!"
3. "If Only" by Hanson
4. playing the piano (unless I am being ordered to play the piano...then I feel like a servant obeying a master or something).

About 20 years ago...
1. I wasn't alive
2. My parents hadn't even met yet
3. My cousin Abbey was about 7 months old
4. My mom had just come over from the Philippines.

About 10 years ago...
1. I was five
2. My little sister was born
3. I lived in Clementon, NJ
4. I was the most adorable thing in the world.

About 5 years ago...
1. I was 10
2. I was taller than everyone in my class, and I was clumsy and awkward
3. I already had my period (I know, I know, too much information)
4. I had Mrs. Kirk as a teacher, who was the coolest person ever.

About 2 years ago...
1. I was finishing up my first year in junior high
2. I got contact lenses
3. I was still clumsy and awkward, though definitely not the tallest person in my class.
4. Lindsay was in almost all of my classes and yet we almost never talked to each other.

About 1 year ago...
1. I was spending my second summer at camp
2. I was already best friends with Linds
3. I was just starting to get obsessed with Dream Street
4. I was nervous for my first year of high school

1. missmiami signed up to be a reviewer at rainbow-rev, my review site
2. bytwilight designed a new layout for rainbow-rev YAY!
3. I'm still clumsy and awkward, but a little less so.
4. I've started to appreciate my family more

Four things that scare you:
1. drowning
2. sharp pointed objects
3. bugs that fly
4. Mandy Moore

Seven things that make you laugh:
1. My dad
2. My dog
3. Myself
4. My Great Expectations video
5. Billy Gilman
7. Now and Then

Seven things you love:
1. music
2. my friends
3. my family
4. boys
5. Canadian boys (they get their own special category)
6. knowing how to play an instrument
7. having a rich cultural background

Seven things you hate:
1. people who don't know when to shut up
2. girls who act stupid around guys
3. when people smoke
4. when my parents tell me I'm never going to make it into a university
5. being of an ethnicity where the people in it try to act like people of another ethnicity...are you getting what I'm saying? (translation: Filipino people try to act black and it BOTHERS ME!!!)
6. being wrong
7. being corrected

Seven things you don't understand:
1. Mandy Moore
2. Why my sister is so annoying
3. how to play chess
4. how people don't like Hanson
5. why people do drugs
6. why all the girls who shouldn't get the guys do
7. Why New Jersey made it so that you can't get your full license till you're 18

Seven things on your desk:
1. computer monitor, speakers, keyboard, mouse, etc.
2. lots of notecards
3. beer mug from the Philippines
4. graphing calculator
5. my mom's Palm Pilot
6. floppy disks
7. lotion

Right now you are:
1. watching Spongebob Squarepants
2. typing
3. talking to Lindsay
4. trying to get rid of the hiccups
5. failing at trying to get rid of the hiccups
6. thinking that I should put some music on
> 7. remembering that I still have to watch Billy Elliot

Seven facts about you:
1. I am exactly 4'11'' and 3/4, and I have been that height since the sixth grade.
2. I talk really loudly and too fast
3. One of my eyes is smaller than the other because of a surgery I had on my eye when I was almost 2 years old.
4. I never liked my little sister
5. I love both of my parents, as odd as thay may sound.
6. I play three instruments (piano flute guitar)
7. I recently developed an infatuation with Canadian boys

Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. get married and have children
2. get married in a cathedral (I don't care if my husband is Jewish, we're still doing it)
3. meet Hanson
4. get my master's degree in something
5. lose my virginity (not anytime soon, though...probably after I get married, I'm thinking)
6. feel really happy with my life
7. do something really crazy, like sky dive or go parasailing.

Seven things you can do:
1. read music
2. make people laugh
3. write well
4. figure out harmonies on the spot
5. recite all of Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky"
6. do this weird thing with my feet that I can't explain
7. finish this survey :P

Seven Things You Can't Do:
1. control my diet
2. get along with my sister
3. be rude without feeling some major guilt afterwards
4. back down in an argument
5. speak German
6. juggle swords
7. ride a unicycle with a midget on my back who is breathing fire and doing the electric slide.

Seven Famous People You Want To Meet:
1. Karen Carpenter (but she's gone *tear*)
2. Hanson
3. Billy Gilman
4. Greg Raposo (I know I've already met him but I wanna meet him AGAIN)
5. Billy Joel
6. Daniel Clark
7. any other of my several favorite celebrities/bands/musicians/Special Boys

Top 7 songs people should give a listen:
1. In the City - Hanson
2. Any Billy Gilman song live
3. At Seventeen - Janis Ian
4. Honesty - Billy Joel
5. Come On Eileen - Dexy's Midnight Runners
6. Out of My Head - Fastball
7. Starry Starry Night - Don McLean

Top 7 things that turn you on about your sex of choice (it doesn't matter):
1. hands
2. shoulders (broad? YAY)
3. eyes
4. voice
5. intelligence
6. sense of humor
7. respect for ME yeah its all about ME

Top 7 things you say the most:
1. That's funny
2. "like"
3. I guess
4. Aw man
5. Grrrr
6. Come on now
7. You suck

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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