2002-02-23 ~ 11:39 p.m.
I'm soooo excited/and I just cannot hide it

Listening to:

Listening to: The radiator. A rare moment in Melissa's world. There is no music playing right now. There will be in a second, though. Tee hee.

Sooooo I just finished my vocab homework. Since I am oh so glad, I will let everyone reading know exactly what I had to do. First. I had. To define ten words in my own words and define one of the synonyms. The words are: avarice, avid, badger, baffle, banal, belligerent, benign, bicker, bizarre, and bland. This unit's base words were extremely easy. It was the...what was it...thirteen exercises that I had to do afterwards that took up four hours of my Saturday. Well. At least I got it over with.

Today my dad cut our dog's hair. He looks like a ferret. The dog, I mean. Not my dad. My dog now looks like one of those malnourished children that you see in those Red Cross commercials. I felt like picking him up and going door to door saying, "Can you please help this child?!?" I had no idea that my dog was so skinny underneath his fur. He's lying on the floor next to me right now. I just said his name. He jumped about a foot. Hahahahaha. Okay.

Okay I just put some Bryan Adams on because that's the CD that's sitting right next to me and it is way too quiet around here. Bryan Adams is actually pretty good.

But you know who isn't pretty good? Britney Spears. I went with a bunch of my friends to see Crossroads on Friday night and the headache started as soon as I set foot into the theater. I kept telling myself it was for the greater good of my Journalism grade. Isn't that good alliteration? Haha I'm such a card. I'm going to write the review/column for Crossroads this week. I will probably post it here when I finish it.

Oh, also, on Friday I taught my best friend Lindsay three chords on the guitar--A,D and E. She picked it up really quickly, and she was really proud afterwards. I was really glad that she was so proud of herself. I hope she gets really good so we can play stuff together...like one of us could play rhythm while the other does a fun finger-picking solo or something. Ooh. Now I'm really excited.

Another thing I'm excited about, in Crossroads Britney Spears and her little friends put together this little time capsule and buried it and on their graduation night, they came back to it and dug it up again. Halfway through this scene, I said to Lindsay, "We should do this." I think it would be bushels of fun. That's right, bushels of fun. I think that on the last day of school this year (cause we're frosh rite now) we should bury a box full of pictures and things that we want to remember about freshman year--and then on graduation night we could come back and dig it up and remember what humongous dorks we used to be. I would dig it up even if we had a huge fight and we stop talking to each other. I don't think that would happen though. I hope not. Anyway, I think it's a good idea but I've yet to tell this to Linds because I was busy doing vocab. But she's going to read this later anyway so I'll just leave it. Well I want to watch Saturday Night Live so I will go now. Goodnight :)

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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