2002-06-15 ~ 12:10 p.m.
song sung blue :(

Listening to:

Listening to: "My Favorite Mistake," Sheryl Crow.

I have learned that adults are not the rational, resourceful people that I knew and loved as a child.

For instance. This morning, after I woke up, I found that my dad was wandering around making measurements for my bedroom, and my mother was wandering around changing the bedsheets. Perfectly normal parent behavior. But when I started talking to Daddy about what to do with my room, my mom started stomping around and slamming closet doors like we were gossiping about her or something. Anyway, when she came inside my room to sweep, I asked her opinion on the color scheme of my new room. She said, "I don't think my opinion counts in this house anymore." At this point my father rolled his eyes and made a "you are an idiot" noise. And my mother, rightfully offended, said "I guess I just have to spend all of my money on your room and not help out," you know, in a sarcastic I'm-trying-to-hurt-your-feelings voice. But my dad totally blew up and was like "OH OKAY IS THAT HOW YOU WANT IT?? I'LL GO TALK TO THE HUMAN RESOURCES GUY RIGHT NOW! HERE MELISSA PUT 'OPEN NEW BANK ACCOUNT' ON THE LIST OF THINGS TO DO!!!" I was like...I have to take a shower. Anyway the reason he was so pissed is because my parents share a bank account and when my mom referred to it as "her" money my dad got pretty steamed.

Anyway, I think they're being totally immature. And I wonder why they got married in the first place. They're obviously unhappy. I hate the idea that they might just be staying together for me and Melanie. I think that's the stupidest thing that parents could ever do. Because then everyone's just mad at each other all of the time.

And I refuse to talk to either of them, except to tell my mother to take me to Lindsay's party. Good thing I'm going out today. I don't think I can handle their stupid child-like behavior. My dad was like talking about my mom behind her back with my ten year old sister. And my mom came downstair and was like "Tell your FATHER that if he doesn't finish the room by next week, I am moving all of your furniture back into your bedroom." I was like *snicker* I'd like to see you try, you know, cause you're 4 feet 10 inches tall and have no muscle mass in your body whatsoever. Only I didn't say it out loud. Because I'm not talking to her, remember? Yeah.

Anyway I would rate this on the Melissa Overreaction Scale, but this time it's my parents who are overreacting. So they get a 8.5 out of 10 on the Mommy and Daddy Overreaction Scale.

By the way, Chicago was FREAKIN AWESOME. They were amazing. But more about that tonight, after the party. Oh! Happy Birthday Lindsay, by the way. Haha.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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