2002-07-07 ~ 11:35 p.m.
*blinks* Bu-bu-bu-bu-bu *head falls back*

Listening to:

Listening to: "Everything goes--and everything fits--They love me at the Chelsea they adore me at the Ritz!" Yay Billy Joel!

Diaryland is being so RRR right now. Everytime I go to edit an entry it's all like "La la la I'll take my time do do do do I was strollin' in the park one day" and I'm like ..........Hello????? And then it's "unable to connect to the database." What in on earth got me interested in the wild world of online blogging? Haha I love you Diaryland!

Anyway the reason that this happened to me so many times was because I updated my Of the Week section. So, yeah, you know you want to check that out.

Okay I'm going to sound really shallow and materialistic but I'm mad at myself because I helped my dad put this adhesive stuff onto my new desk *yippee* and I wasn't watching where I was going and I got the adhesive stuff onto my brand new nylon floods from the Old Navy outlet that I really liked. :( And now they are all adhesive-y and I'm like *smacks herself repeatedly* I'm a moron. I'm a BIG moron. Sniffle. I'll be alright.

My Lola's here now. She's staying with us for a week before she goes back to the Philippines forever. Yeah and I mean forever as in until she dies. I'm really upset about this. I never had a really really great relationship with her, I mean she loves me cause I'm her granddaughter, and she knows all the things that makes me me (I'm the comedian and writer of the family blah blah), but she doesn't realize how much I admire her. I really want to spend some time with her this week, so that I can feel okay with her leaving. My opinion is, she's going back to the Philippines for good because she thinks she's going to die soon, and she wants to be home when she dies. :'( I'm so sad. And basically, when she goes back to the Philippines, it's almost gonna be...like she really has died. Because I'm never going to see her again, unless we take a visit to the Philippines. Which we probably wouldn't do, unless she died. Which sucks!! I so cannot handle this :( I need ice cream *sobs* More on this topic later, though. MUCH more. I don't want to depress myself too much.

I was sitting upstairs with my mom and she was reading this Mary Higgins Clark book called Let Me Call You Sweetheart. It's a murder mystery, just like all of her books. My mother has an amazing ability to predict the endings to books like these.


WHOA we interrupt this entry to bring you the news that my live version of "One Voice" by Billy Gilman has just finished downloading and I'm listening to it and AUGH it's giving me chills! Seriously. It's breathtaking. Why did he get all the talent???? I'm like spread the love!!! Come on now! Oh my gosh I'm really being serious, he's really really good. "Good" hardly does it justice. I don't even know how to explain myself. Does anyone know how to link MP3's?? I want everyone to hear this. AHHHH Billy Gilman!!

That is all. We now return you to your regularly scheduled Melissa diary entry.


She's correctly guessed the killer 5 times in a row. I keep track. She says she should be an investigative reporter. I think she could have been one, too. She could have been a lot of stuff. Regardless of how much she irritates me, I can't deny that my mom is really smart. Her deducing skills are stellar. Must be where I get it from. HA. That was a joke, if you didn't catch on right away. I'm awful at figuring things out. And when I do, I'm all excited, and Lindsay's usually like...Everyone knows that, Melissa. Well that's okay by me, as long as I can remember the lyrics to songs I'm fine like wine.

Speaking of Lindsay, she came over today. She played with me at church. It wasn't exactly our best performance, but we didn't suck really bad or anything. Mr. Rabic broke his arm. He was playing the organ with one free hand, and his left index finger. I was like Wow! I have to try that! That's probably like the ultimate test of good piano players. Can you play with only six fingers?? Muahaha.

Okay well. There's nothing left to say. No more ace to play. THE WINNAH TAKES IT ALLLL! Okay ABBA moment I apologize. Yeah I'll just go.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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