2002-07-09 ~ 11:05 p.m.
Wider than a mile, my dear mother.

Listening to:

Listening to: Moooon Ree-var, whiter than a while. Ha. That's what my mom was singing while I was playing my brand spanking new sheet music. But more about that later...just focus your eyes downward...yeah.

So yeah I went to Franklin Mills today with my mom and sister and grandmother and Lindsay. I bought lots of little things that altogether cost me $40. I AM THE VICTOR *raises arms in the victory style* My mom was so mad at me for spending so much. I felt kind of bad, but then again I haven't been compulsive shopping in a while. I'm usually like...Mommy would be really mad if I bought this, or...I don't want to buy this and feel really stupid about it later, or...I guess I don't really need this. I barely have enough anyway. And I truly don't have any money. My parents are like, "Why don't you get a job? Lindsay has a job." I'm like Lindsay baby-sits. I can't baby-sit. I'll end up crouched in the fetal position in the closet by the end of the night. I'm not good with kids, and I especially don't feel comfortable ordering other people's children around. I just dont "understand" them, as Lindsay put it so eloquently (...) and I don't plan to try until I have to.

But back to the lack of cash problem. I don't want a job. I don't want my parents to give me an allowance, because first of all I feel stupid accepting it and second of all I don't really feel like I deserve it. And plus, my family is trying to conserve money, so why would I want to go out and spend the money that we're trying to save? I'd feel much better about it if I were spending my own money. But I couldn't get a job now anyway, because the starting age for most jobs is 16, and I'm only 15. But I guess it's too late (and too early, if you think about it--haha. Okay.) to be thinking about getting a job now. So I guess I get to lie around the house all summer as everyone else makes themselves useful. Oh well. That means I can brush up on my Rock 'n Roll Jeopardy trivia knowlegde. Did you know that Olivia Newton-John's "Xanadu" was the only Top Ten single to begin with the letter "X," ever? Well. I did. That's what three summers of nothing but cable and macaroni and cheese does to a person. So really I could use a job for both money and for keeping myself from going crazy all by myself in my house. But I digress.

So let me think of what I bought today hmmm. I bought this Spongebob magnet/picture frame from Claire's Accessories. And I bought these star shaped tap-lights from the dollar store, for my new bedroom. I bought two things from Bath and Body works--body cream and hand gel (coconut yummm), and umm what else? Sheet music, from Sam Ash: "Drops of Jupiter," "Moon River," and 'You've Got a Friend." I tried them all. I like them all a lot but my favorite are "Moon River" and "You've Got a Friend." I don't like the arrangement of "Drops of Jupiter," so I just play the chords and sing along. My dad likes it when I play "Moon River," and so does my mom. But she doesn't know all the words so she makes them up haha. "Whiter than a while"? Wider than a mile, my dear mother.

And hmm what else? Oh, my mom bought me a new backpack for school. It is so super groovy and trendy and hip and WOW. Haha. And I got pants from the Gap, but my mom bought those for me too. Oh yeah! I got this AWESOME lunch box-y thing from Spencer's, and it's Spongebob, and it's a tin box, and you can put stuff in it, and AHHH. I plan to use it next year, first of all because it cost $9.99 and I have to use it or I'll feel really stupid, and second of all just to spite my mom and my dad and Lindsay, who all said I shouldn't use it as a purse or money/miscellaneous items holder.

I think I bought more stuff, but I guess it doesn't really matter because anyone who was previously reading my diary has probably exited by now because I got boring. They sure don't know what they're missing. Nope.

The guy who rang me up at Sam Ash was really funny, but I think he thought Lindsay and I were scared of him. I totally thought he was gonna be like "...Moon River...that's really cool...NOT." But he was like "What's this from? BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S I KNEW IT. And it was Henry Mancini! I KNEW IT. I was having this huge argument with a guy yesterday because he said that it was from ((insert some movie that I don't remember)) and Andrew Lloyd Weber wrote it. He didn't. Am I right??" And I was like "Of course it wasn't Andrew Lloyd Weber" and he was like THANK YOU. VERY MUCH. Well. I guess you had to be there. Anyway, today was a lot of fun but I'm pretty tired.

This was a really long entry, and halfway through I did something weird and the whole thing erased. Fortunately, I had copied some of it when I was opening a new window to look at something else, and I thought it might mess up. But it wasn't even like half of it! So I had to rewrite the whole entry from memory. I actually think I did a pretty good job, but you wouldn't know, because you didn't see it. Of course not. Okay I must sleeeep.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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