2002-08-19 ~ 1:18 p.m.
the moment you've all been waiting for..

Listening to:

Listening to: All my CDs are upstairs right now. Just the TV's on.

Ah, the ever-anticipated vacation entry. Where do I begin?

My dad brought my dog home today. He had been staying at the vet's while we were gone :( I missed him and I was really glad when he scampered back into the house. He got really skinny and his fur is longer. But he's still cute awwww.

Anyway. Cape May was okay. This is the first time I've ever been to the shore, which is a travesty because I've lived in New Jersey my whole life. But in the end, I decided that I don't really like the Jersey shore all that much. If I had the choice I'd much rather go down to Myrtle Beach or something.

So we only went to the beach about twice in five days. But we did a lot during the other days--we biked around town, which was really fun, and we spent a lot of time at this outdoor plaza called Washington Square Mall, that had a lot of cool shops within. My favorite was this one store called Allison Wonderland. They had a whole corner of the shore dedicated to Alice in Wonderland memorabilia. I was like "...cannot breathe...much too happy..." Haha. So yeah, we went to Washington Square Mall almost every day.

We also spent a lot of time at the pool, which was good because I got to practice and perfect my minimal swimming skills. These are the things I can now do that I couldn't do before: 1) Jump into the deep end and surface at the top without sputtering and flailing and looking like and idiot, and 2) tread water without looking spastic and/or like a seven year old. I shared this information with Lindsay and this was her reaction: *stares blankly* "...And??" I was like hmmm I guess my personal triumphs mean nothing to her...oh well. Now I can comfortably stay in the deep end, which is something I couldn't do before, and used to really stress about. And the best part is, my little sister swims even better than me now, which takes even more stress off of me. I used to be worried about always looking out for her to make sure she didn't, oh what's the word? Ah yes, die. But now I know I don't have to worry anymore. So I'm pretty happy about that.

Bicycling is one of my new favorite things to do. We did a lot of it at Cape May and I never realized how much I enjoy it. It's not tiring at all because you move so fast that you create your own wind, even in really hot weather. We biked almost everywhere, because it's so hard to find parking places for cars, but there are bike racks everywhere. And I was never uncomfortable with biking in the streets before, so this was no different. Oh, except for this one point where we were biking through this heavily trafficked road and all the cars were honking at us and I was like...excuse me. You have 1,000 pounds of steel. I have a metal frame and two wheels. LEAVE ME ALONE.

And my parents rented a tandem bike (a bicycle built for two), which was pretty cute. My mom doesn't know how to ride a bike, so the tandem bike was perfect for her. But not for my dad. My mom didn't pedal at all, she just sat and let the wind run through her hair and stared at the pretty Victorian houses. Whenever we finished biking she'd be like "Well, that was refreshing!" and my dad would be like *pant pant pant* SHUT. UP. Haha but it was fun.

And of course I did a bunch of shopping. Not for clothes, mind you. For little things that altogether equalled up to about 50 bucks. With my own money I bought: Lindsay's bear (about 12 dollars) and keychains (2 dollars? I'm not sure), chocolate covered Oreos--which were really good (4 dollars), a ring that is really pretty (15 dollars), and two pieces of Alice in Wonderland memorabilia: a coloring book and a deck of cards (15 dollars). Now I'm not sure if that adds up to approximately 50 bucks, and I don't think it does.

My parents also bought me a few things: A nameplate for my bedroom door, which has stars and moons on it, a koala bear from the Cape May Teddy Bear Factory, a pair of sunglasses, a shirt, and hmm I think that's it.

The thing I got most attached to is my koala bear. It doesn't have a name yet, we've all just been calling it Koala (though my dad calls it a monkey), and I'm not sure if I want to give it a name. But if anyone thinks of one, you know what to do.

Anyway, by Thursday night I had gotten pretty sick of being on vacation with my family. I pretty much wanted to go home, and so did my mom. But what can you do? We stayed, it was crowded (because my other cousin Justin's family came to stay, and that made eight of us), and I just wanted to sit on the couch and watch the Disney channel. Which is what I pretty much did. We watched SO MUCH Disney Channel. It was ridiculous. And now we have it in our house. This'll be great, haha.

Then, when I REALLY wanted to go home, we got on a ferry instead and drove over to Ocean City, Maryland. Now let me just say that I HATE FERRIES. Really. I got so seasick and everyone was all concerned and I was like GO AWAY I'm going to THROW UP. But I made it. And then we had to go and see this beautiful new shore house that belongs to my aunt and uncle and I had to realize that we'll never have a house like this and bleh.

And then we went to Assateague Park, which is a really nice beach that has all these wild ponies running around. The beach is so much better than the Jersey shore. Cape May's beach was all rocky at the bottom and it hurt to stand in it, but this beach was nice and sandy and the waves were perfect and, well, I would have much rather vacationed there. But I'm not complaining. No no.

Then we came back home!!!! And I'm exhausted but I have to finish up school assignments for next year. I've already defined all of the bio terms except for "nutrient cycle." DOES ANYBODY KNOW WHAT A NUTRIENT CYCLE IS? I am desperate. I've looked in countless online dictionaries and I cannot find out what it means.

I started Les Miz last night. I'm up to Chapter 7. It doesn't seem so bad. It can't possibly be as bad as The Odyssey was. That was not a book. It couldn't have been a book. There was no figurative language. There were no dynamic characters. It was written like a textbook, not a novel. Les Miz is Danielle Steele compared to that crap. But Julie Drezner is halfway through, and she says it totally sucks. This is coming from a person who ADORES the play. I'm pretty nervous. But I'll get through.

Yeah this entry is way too long, even for a recap. No more entries for today, I swear. See ya bye!

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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