2002-09-12 ~ 10:19 p.m.
You no...PUFF PUFF??

Listening to:

Listening to: Avril Lavigne, she's everywhere!!!

So yeah Elena's totally obsessed with Avril Lavigne now. She heard Skater Boy and Complicated on the radio and she was like "I like these songs." So I was like *sigh* Let's go download them. I made her a CD and it's all she wants to listen to while we talk in her room. It's driving me CRAZY. Though I don't like Avril Lavigne all too much, I do like a few of her songs. But not when they are played over and over and over until it's on Repeat Previous Track in your mind and you can't stop singing "He was a skater boy she said she you later boyAAHHHHHHHH!"

So yesterday Marielle and I took UGO *jump* (Ahh...let me explain...UGO is really Hugo, Marielle's Spaniard, and since he's a Spaniard, the "h" is silent. Hence, Ugo. BUT. Lindsay and I enjoy saying his name with excessive enthusiasm, which is why it's in caps. Oh, and we jump after saying his name. I'm not sure why) and Elena to the mall. And ahhhh I have a big crush on UGO. He's so foreigner-cute, you know? He makes this "look at me I'm so helpless" face when he's trying to translate Spanish into English and I'm like AWWWWWW YOU ARE SO CUUUUTE! And he's just like....emmmm...? Haha he thinks that Marielle and I are complete psychos. "You laugh a lot," he said. Mar said that it's the first time she's heard him speak a full English sentence to her. But anyway. I think he's adorable and I wanna put him in a glass box and watch him do cute things like offer me some of his Mexican food and occasionally I would run in and just jump on his back and be like YOU ARE SOOOO CUUUUUUTE!!! I'm gonna try to get a picture of him and put it up. Ahh I get all giggly just thinking about putting a picture of him on my online diary. I swear this will pass. But then I'll go to Spain and the vicious cycle will start all over again. HA.

Elena and UGO *jump* have been scaring me and Mar by mentioning weed and cigarettes and stuff. We just keep eyeing each other and asking "So you don't...PUFF PUFF???" They're like eh?? But today I asked Elena and she said she's never tried pot and doesn't want to, but that a lot of people like it in Spain. I was like ohhh well here dealing pot is hmmm ILLEGAL? Or at least I hope it is. I'm just glad that my Spaniard isn't a druggie.

But she is a trash mouth!! I guess they all are. UGO! *jump* and Elena were teaching us Spanish swear words last night, and we decided to teach them English ones. But they already knew half of them!!! I was like Holy. Lord. Almighty. And they kept trying to scare us by like screaming "MOTHER F**KER!!!!" really loudly in the food court and Mar and I were like JESUS CHRIST and hiding under the tables. It was bad. It was very bad. And Mar and I were just like...we've corrupted our Spaniards!! But we didn't really. They've apparently been corrupted for a very long time. Awww. That's why UGO! *jump* should stay with me. Inside a glass box. Eating spaghetti. Yes. I like that plan.

So I've got so much more to say but I don't have enough time! Things have been so busy lately and I've been meeting so many new people. But I promise I'll write all about it. Soon. Yeah. Adios!


Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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