2002-10-06 ~ 1:23 a.m.
if you siiiign it, i will reeead it

Listening to:

Listening to: Nope.

Shh it's really early and I shouldn't be awake so late tonight cause I have to play at church tomorrow, but what the hell. I stayed up to watch SNL and now I can't get tired.

So I just remembered like now that I have a vocab test on Monday. Like now. I should probably have studied a tad. Even though I've discovered that Doc Vivone's test aren't all that difficult, I still want to know what I'm doing, you know? So if I play at church tomorrow that leaves me the whole afternoon to study. But DOH Lindsay has that performance thingie and I really wanted to go. And DOH I promised myself I'd practice my recital piece until I had it memorized and perfected. So sorry Linds, I'm not too sure if I can make it. I wanted to hear you guys but I really need to work out a few things kay? I'll give you a call if I actually do permit myself to go.

So yeah now that I'm done talking to specific people.

I'm having bushels of fun with my AIM subprofile. I think everyone who has AIM should get one. It's a great way to keep yourself occupied and distracted for long periods of time. Yeeeaaah. And you can feel special when people sign your guestbook.

Speaking of which, WHY AM I NOT GETTING ANY GUESTBOOK ENTRIES? In my diary guestbook, you morons. I MEAN. You awesome awesome totally cool people who should sign my book because it is awesome and awesome and totally cool. Right. Nobody loves me, it seems. No feedback. No "hey look at that, your review's up." Not even a "your diary totally blows you are the worst writer I've ever seen may a bus run you over." I mean come on people. ANYTHING. Even if you know me (coughcoughKARENJULIELINDSAYABBEYcoughcough), I'd still appreciate a little feedback. Thank you come again.

So-o-o-o. What's new with all of you (answer that question here)? Everyone all right? Any big news? Shocking revelations? Opinions on political current events? I'm begging here. Really.

Well okay I actually am getting a little tired (all that self-promotion, you know) so I'm gonna hit the proverbial sack. Goodnight all!

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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