2002-11-06 ~ 9:27 p.m.
i cleaned my room, everyone!

Listening to:

Listenign to: "You better STOP! The love you save may be your own. Better take it slow..." I love the Jackson 5. Oh yes I do.

This'll be a short entry, I'm about to watch the "Platinum Edition" Beauty and the Beast DVD with my sister. We are both excited.

Today I got an 83 on an essay that I thought I did a great job on and I was so pissed because it brought my grade down from a 90 to an 87. Ooh, you all are saying, what a SHAME *sarcasm* But I was proud of myself for having an A in English. It is, after all, the profession that I have chosen to pursue. But no, I have a B again, and I was like MY PARENTS ARE GOING TO BE SO PISSED.

But my parents took it pretty well, as unbelievable as it may seem. They are big perfectionists, at least when it comes to me. I really thought they were going to be like "We are taking away your WHOLE BEDROOM. Go live in the basement closet!" But they were okay about it, I guess they're maybe starting to realize that I can take care of myself. But I don't want to jinx that statement, so pretend I never said it.

Lindsay came over. I fell asleep. It was a pretty boring visit, one of the most boring times I've ever had while she was here. I kinda felt like she was just over to use my computer, but oh well I'm guilty of using people too.

Tomorrow my mom and my sister and I are going shopping weeeee! I haven't done any real good heavy-duty shopping in a while and I intend to do so. Tomorrow. If my mom lets me. Haha, she'll probably be like, no Melissa, you can't get those socks, but you can buy these Q-tips if you pay for them yourself and share them with your sister!! I'd be like ah-ha. No. Seriously though my family has all been getting along pretty well lately. But once again, don't want to jinx myself, so you never read a word of this.

Wow haha I'm very very superstitious aren't I? But really, every time I say something like "Wow, this is so great, we have an assembly during my lab period and now I don't have to go and look at plant cells under a microscope," the principal comes on the loudspeaker and is like "Attention everybody, right at this very second the person who was going to do the assembly decided to become a Biology teacher and so now in his honor we are all going to go to lab and look at 385927194 different kinds of plant cells, under microscopes, oh and Melissa you will have to work with (fill in the name of a really stupid person in my class who I cannot stand and who doesn't understand the fact that mustard comes from mustard seeds). That is all." So you see, this is why I always make sure to NOT be optimistic all the time, because it inevitably backfires.

Yes. We're going to watch the DVD now. Goodnight.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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