2002-11-14 ~ 10:54 p.m.
in which i act like things are much more serious than they really are

Listening to:

Listening to: "We Didn't Start the Fire," Billy Joel.

I suspect this'll be a long entry. I have lots to talk about.

We got the class ring brochures today. The rings are absolutely beautiful. I didn't ever think I was going to be able to choose. But I did, eventually. The ring is called "Delicate," and...well...here it is.

It looks kind of bulky on the computer but it is supposed to be more slender than it looks. I'm so excited for it, but I pretty much used up my excitement for the day so I am all excited out.

Today I went to the dermatologist. And I'm about to share something that I really want to say because it's something that's been worrying me forever and I'm so happy I found out what it is. So if you know me and you choose to still read this, please don't discuss this with anyone except for me, please.

Today I found out that I have psoriasis. Which basically means that I have perpetually dry skin. No big deal, right? Ehh no. Psoriasis is a genetic skin condition, meaning that it was passed down from one of my parents (p.s.- it was my dad), and that because it's a "condition," I'm never going to be able to get rid of it. The bad thing is that the place it affects most people are the knees, elbows, and scalp. Yep yep. I don't have it on my elbows or knees, no, of course it's the scalp that was affected. And it's the worse on the scalp because all the dead, dry skin builds up and itches you.

I've had an itchy, dry scalp ever since I can remember and I was always so self-conscious because I thought it was super-bad dandruff. Which is ISN'T. The dermatologist explained that dandruff is a fungus that is contagious, whereas psoriasis is a chronic condition, like ecsema or rosacea, that can be treated but never cured. And you can't pass it on to random people because it's genetic. And because it's chronic it comes and goes, usually when I'm stressed out or when a big change has taken place.

So although I am making this sound like I have skin CANCER rather than skin dryness, it was still a big deal to me to finally find this out. Sometimes I got so self-conscious about it that I didn't even want to go to school. And it itches, a lot. When I used to have it really bad, it would itch so much that it almost hurt. And I don't even have that bad of a case, the dermatologist said. So imagine what people who have had psoriasis all their lives have had to deal with!

So yes, I am glad that I a) found this out now, when I am fifteen and can treat it right away, and b) found out that it's NOT dandruff. Dandruff really grosses me out because it's a FUNGUS living on your head. Blleeech blech. Hahaha I am such a primadonna. "Oh my God I have dry skin and someone out there is dying because they haven't been fed in three months, cry me a river!" I am such an awful person.

Let's rate this one a 8 out of 10 on the Melissa Overreaction Scale.

Remember if you know me...you never read this entry. I wrote this one purely for venting and getting of my chest. Diaryland should really let you lock certain entries rather than your whole diary. There are some things in here that I wouldn't want certain people to read...hm hm. Well. I'll go now.

Thanks, D-land, for listening!

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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