2002-12-11 ~ 7:20 p.m.
oo...aa...las chicas son guerreras...yup.

Listening to:

Listening to: "Did you know when you go it's the perfect ending/to the bad day/I was just beginning/When you go all I know is you're my favorite mistay-ee-ayke." Yay Sheryl Crow.

Today was pointless. Totally pointless. We had a 2-hour delay due to non-existent "freezing rain," so everything that was due today was postponed to a later date. Not that it's a bad thing. But I just think that today was a waste of a 2-hour delay, considering nothing really happened anyway.

I'm so upset, I got a 78% on my English controversial issue paper. Vivone took off 22 points because my conclusion paragraph was only 2 sentences long. Now I know that making my conclusion a little longer would have been better, but then again he's the one that always tells us not to write too much for our conclusions. And really, why should I get 22 points taken off for ONE structural violation. He really needs to start paying more attention to content. I can't believe he's been teaching this long and no one's ever complained about this.

Also, I found out that I have a C on the interim, in Spanish. Perfect. Just when I decide that I'm actually going to take the class seriously, this happens. We had three grades for the interim. I think interims are the stupidest ideas ever. I mean, I could just as easily go up to one of my teachers in the middle of the marking period and ask him/her what my grade so far is. It would make me look good, and also it's not so dramatic. My parents are going to kill me when they found out my grades went down.

I've decided that I'm really going to start to buckle down (is that a real phrase?) on my schoolwork. I'm going to try to take every class as seriously as possible, not just History and English. I've been neglecting Spanish because honestly, Spanish was a class built for neglect. But I actually really love the language, and I want to learn as much as I can for this summer.

Blah blah, lets listen to Melissa talk about herself as much as possible, blah. I love online diaries.

I got presents from people! Okay, just Lauren. It was these really grrreat cookies that she made from a just-add-water mix. They were super. I have a good idea about the present I'm going to get her. Yay.

Okay, I don't have much else to talk about. Maye I'll write again later, it's early in the night. Fare thee well :P

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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