2003-01-01 ~ 7:14 p.m.
okay, you win

Listening to:

Listening to: Nope.

I'm feeling very down right now. New Years Eve was less than fun-filled. Doesn't give me much hope for a great start on 2003. We went to this huge house in North Jersey that is owned by my uncle's friend's friend. Yeah. So I got to sit around in a huge house with people I've never met before and listen to them play music.

Oh, the agony.

There were 3 bands and only one of them was good. The good band was NOT my dad's band. I'm proud of him for trying to hold it all together, but in the end they just looked like a bunch of dads who decided to pick up some instruments and mess around. Which, I guess they are. But then they shouldn't be playing in public.

The other band was these three kids about my age who played Blink-182 covers. 'Nuff said.

The drummer and his friend were pretty hot, as I confided to Lindsay earlier today, but they were obnoxious and loud and he wasn't a very good drummer anyway. So yeah, not much to go by there.

The one relatively good band consisted of the owners of the house and their brothers and sisters. When they first started playing, I was like, Hey, cool, they're good, woo hoo, we're gonna rock this country blah blah. But as they continued to play into the night, apparently going for a grand total of 483873203850 songs, I started to get kind of annoyed. I was under the impression that we'd go, play, say "5-4-3-2-1 woo hoo," and leave. But see, the thing was that my dad and his band couldn't pack up until this other band was finished playing. And they didn't finish playing until 3:30 in the morning. Yeah.

And then there was the whole dealing-with-other-people-being-richer-than-me thing. I know, I have to get over this or I will be bitter and spiteful against people better off than me for my whole life. But come on. The last thing I need to see right now is a house that my house could fit into twice, with seven and a half bathrooms and 2 acres of backyard space. Yeah, just what I need to see, when my family can't even afford central air conditioning.

Okay, I'm lying. We have central air. Just wanted to, you know, paint a picture.

I guess there must have been some good parts to the night--my outfit was HOT, if that counts, muahaha. I felt very pretty...too bad the only people who saw it were my aunts and uncles. Oh, and people who I don't know and never will see again.

I just miss the days when my mom's whole side of the family would gather at Abbey's house and spend New Year's together. I personally enjoy celebrating the end of the year with people whom I know and like, that's all.

This turned into a super-huge rant. I'm done with this, I'm over it. Onward!

My family and I went out today, to Don Pablo's for lunch and then Best Buy, to spend the gift certificates. Not a very eventful day. We got the Lilo and Stitch DVD, best movie EVER. Yup yup.

When I got home from Best Buy, SHM was online but like 3 minutes later he signed off. Rrrrr I'm really starting to lose it here. I guess I'm just getting disinterested because nothing's been happening. You know I will be completely infatuated once I go back to school.

ARRRRGGGGGHHHH Which reminds me, tomorrow I have to go back to school. This is the TOTAL and COMPLETE opposite of what I want to do right now. I'm a little bit looking forward to seeing my friends, but honestly I just don't want to get back to all that WORK! Wah wah wah poor me.

So yeah, I'm going to go lie on my bed and wallow in my misery. Don't feel bad for me, this'll all pass by Friday afternoon. Just expect a very angry, WHY ME??? entry tomorrow, all right? All right. Goodnight, D-land.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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