2003-01-12 ~ 12:37 a.m.
it's the right time for a zoog movie yeeah

Listening to:

Listening to: Too late.

Just had to take this when I saw it on Lindsay's diary. It proved to be surprisingly accurate but it's too late to post my comments as to why...so I'll work on it tomorrow. Good night, D-land!

You want to be regarded as an exciting and interesting personality able to persuade others to comply with your beliefs and ideas. You are charming and able to influence other people who come into your sphere of influence. You like mental stimulation and you are the sort of person who is prepared to 'try anything once'. Your confidence is so much so that others are often swept away by your enthusiasm.

One of the most accurate descriptions of myself that I've ever heard. I do hope that people think I'm fun to be around, sometimes a little too much. And I have always been encouraged to be open-minded, and I've always seen myself as a "try-anything-once" kinda girl. But I do have my standards.

You are very self-sufficient and methodical. You presume to know where you are going but need to find a person who will recognize the way you are, not be too demanding and who is, as they say in Italy, 'Simpatico'.

Ok, well, I don't know exactly what is implied by the word "simpatico" in Italian, but in Spanish it basically means "kind." I don't think that's what they meant, cause it's a little generic. But hey, works for me.

You need a friend - a close friend - and you are willing to become emotionally involved with the right person, but you are very demanding and particular in your choice of partners. You are constantly looking for reassurance and it is perhaps because of this that you tend to be somewhat argumentative, but you try to hold back - careful to avoid open conflict - since this might reduce your prospects of realizing your hopes of establishing a warm caring relationship.

This part freaked me out a litle. I thrive on feedback and support, but I can't bring myself to accept it publicly. I'm very argumentative, especialyl about petty things, but I try to hold back a little because, as it was said above, I want to be liked by everyone.

You are an emotional, sincere and impressionable individual experiencing frustration and unnecessary stress. You vehemently resist any form of pressure from outside sources, insisting on your independence as an individual. You want to be a decision maker - to make up your own mind without interference. You wish to be able to draw your own conclusions and arrive at your own decisions. You detest uniformity and mediocrity as you want to be regarded as one who gives authoritative opinions. Your favourite expression could well be that 'I may not always be right but I am never wrong'. You're a perfectionist and even though you may feel that the other person's point of view may be right, you find it extremely difficult to admit that you could be wrong.

So true, so true. I have always liked being the one that people turn to when they need an answer--it makes me feel needed and, well, smart. And as everyone knows, I'm the last to admit that I'm wrong. I'll say things like, "oh yeah, duh me." But I'll never be like, "Yeah, sorry, I was wrong." I have some issues with that.

You are greatly impressed by individuality and have interest in people who have outstanding qualities. You try to imitate those people that you admire and their characteristics, hoping that you will be able to display similar qualities in your own personality.

I detest people who conform for money or to gain approval from someone or a group of people. And I highly admire those who are true individuals--or at least who I consider individual.

You are worn out - suffering from what has been described as 'burnout' and nothing seems to stimulate you to break away from this state of lethargy. This situation is causing an acute distress situation and not being able immediately to resolve the problems is exposing you to excess stress and tension. You are endeavoring to break away from this situation by withdrawing into a state of 'Never Never Land' - an illusory substitute world in which things could be as you would like them to be. Now is the time to take time-out - to relax. A short break is all that you need and you will find that matters will resolve themselves.

Damn straight I am. Before I read these results, I thought I was handling this all pretty well. But I'm realizing that I am burned out. I handle way too much to be "Okay" right now. My one biggest burden is schoolwork. I don't mind dance, I don't mind my music, I don't mind my friends or family. So after this upcoming Hell Week (that's right, we have at least one per month), I'm hoping I will have a little time to just relax and do things that I truly enjoy. We'll see what happens.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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