2003-01-16 ~ 11:12 p.m.
a puddle of Melissa on Miss Bing's basement floor

Listening to:

Listening to: Oh I am SO not relaxed right now.

Yes, everyone, I finished my 200 point History project! I am rather proud of it because I know how long it took for me and my father to come up with this stuff, and then how long it took for me to actually execute it all. I would be SUPER relieved but I'm still nervous that tomorrow everyone's magazines are going to be like "POW! Greatness" and mine will be like "Meh? Satisfactory?" But we'll just see how it all goes down-town.

Okay. Now on to the I'm a GIRL YES I AM part of the entry.


Move over, SHM.

Step aside, PF.

There's a new boy in town.


We'll call him "HGE" (for Hottest Guy Ever), and I JUST met him today at Miss Bing's house. He is taking piano lessons from her from now on, the HOUR RIGHT BEFORE MY LESSONS. Which means that I will see him every Thursday eeeeeee!

Now when Miss Bing told me that she wanted me to meet HGE, and she was like, ohhhh he's sixteen, ohhhh he's sooo cute, ohhh you guys will get along so welll! I was like, eh. I was totally expecting him to be one of her like Filipino pimps. But then he walks down the steps...

And it's like heaven's gates are opening up. The dim light over the stairwell shines behind him, making him appear nearly ethereal. I'm melting, I'm melting, just like the Wicked Witch. And then he speaks.


I'm a puddle. A puddle of Melissa on Miss Bing's basement floor. He's perfect. His hair, his eyes, his smile (GOD THE SMILE), his voice (rawr). I haven't gotten a good look at his hands yet, but intuition says that they're FUCKIN AMAZING. Even if they aren't, I'll take him any way I can.

I want. This boy.

Needless to say, he's not Filipino.

(Joking. Well, he's white, but joking about making a big deal about him not being Filipino.)

Miss Bing made me have my lesson first but it was only so we could giggle and talk about how cute he is. Miss Bing told me that I should try to come early from now on. She is so corrupt. But she's like a sister to me.

By the time I finished my lesson I was solid again. I was kind of afraid to go back to the basement, for fear of once again liquidating if I saw him sitting there. But alas, he had gone home. No worries, though. I will see him again and I will have him. ::hisses::

That is all.

P.S. If you want more details sign the book or just talk to me at school (this means you LindsayJulieKaren).

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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