2003-01-28 ~ 10:32 p.m.
shoo doop shooooby doo

Listening to:

Listening to: Yet even MORE 70's pop! So happay.

Today I watched the State of the Union in its entirety for the first time. I don't know if that makes me not-well-versed in political matters or whatever, but all I know is that I have a few opinions that I want to get out before I hear other people talk about it. Because after I hear other people's opinions, I begin to doubt the validity of my own. So let's see.

These are some things I did NOT like about Bush's speech:

  1. He made lots of general statements concerning domestic affairs, such as "Millions of Americans suffer from the perils of drug abuse, and as a nation we need to provide more places for therapy," without explaining HOW we might do that.
  2. During the first half of his speech, every time he finished a sentence, every Republican in the room gave a standing ovation. I was like JUST SIT DOWN SO I CAN HEAR THE REST OF HIS SPEECH.
  3. He kept using the word "nukular" instead of "nuclear." CONSTANTLY. I couldn't get over it.
  4. All in all, some parts seemed way too optimistic for me. I mean, I'm an optimist in every sense of the word, but I kind of feel like he was averting some realities there.

However, to be fair, there were also parts of the speech that I really identified with and thought were very powerful. Such as:

  1. His proposal that we stop being so dependent on foreign resources. This is probably something that everyone agrees on or w/e, but I do too.
  2. His statement to the people of Iraq that, "Your enemy is not surrounding you. Your enemy is ruling you." I thought that was very powerful. Kudos to his speech-writer.
  3. The fact that there was an almost eerie silence as he described the injustices that go on in Iraq and other Middle Eastern conferences. I have seen enough State of the Union speeches to know that usually it takes about 4 hours for the president to finish, because everyone keeps applauding and standing up for no reason. But this time everyone was just silent, kind of taking in all of the overwhelming information that he was bringing into account. Even the Democrats stood up at the end. That really made me happy, to see a house usually divided unite for at least one goal.

Although I may not know what I am talking about right now, and I probably sound really un-knowledgeable about lots of things, I couldn't help formulating a first impression. I think it is obvious right now that I am kind of looking at this from kind of a patriotic standpoint, because that is how I was always raised to be. But maybe as time goes on and I am exposed to more of the harsh realities of world affairs, I'll change my mind. I just don't know right now, but eventually I will be a voter, and I'm not going to be one of those people who just votes for whatever candidate sounded good in the TV ads.

Whew, all those big words really tired me out. I do have a couple more things to talk about, but mayhap I'll save them para despu�s. So Goodnight, D-land, hope you all enjoyed my government spiel--or at least had a good laugh at my complete naivete.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

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All words � MM 2001-03




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