2003-03-04 ~ 10:01 p.m.
there's nothing left to do but pray

Listening to:

Listening to: IIIIIIII ne-ver had to KNOCK ON WOOD...but I know someone who has...which makes me wonder if I should...hmmmm. haha.

I'm going to try to write a meaningful entry in a half hour but it's not gonna happen. I don't think that anything happened that would trigger any kind of deep thoughts. So sorry guys, you're getting fluff again.

Today for about 3 hours my computer was POSSESED BY THE DEVIL. Yeah, I was just minding my own business, talking to Karen, having a good time. When all of a sudden my whole computer screen goes RED. Red! The blood of angry men!! (Black! The dark of ages past. ahem. sorry)

And so of course I do a little squealy-scream and I scream "OUT SATAN!!" both out loud and in my conversation to Karen. I was really weirded out by this. I swear I was ready for the screen to open up and Linda Blair a la the Exorcist to come flying out at me. Aggggh scary scary.

But it fixed itself so I assume that it was just like a problem with the monitor. I think I've been leaving the computer on for too long period of time and the monitor's getting all fatigued or whatever. Cause monitors get tired and all.

Also I am a little less confident that SHM has no girlfriend. I know, I know, this topic is getting old, but it's what was exciting today so you're hearing about it.

Anyway, we have been having the nicest conversations online and in school but every so often I just see him stop in the hallways and KISS this one girl!! One would assume from seeing this that he is definitely taken. However, there is also the fact that his AOL profile, which, according to semi-reliable sources (coughKARENcough), was only created 2 weeks ago, he states clearly that he is very single. Also, I asked him if he had gone to the dance with anyone, and he said "some girl asked me," but you would think that he would have gone with his girlfriend...and that he would not refer to her as "some girl."

And also, there are just those signs, you know? I think I am pretty good at interpreting those bits of intuition that suddenly come to me...but who knows, this is all new to me. But I digress. Back to the weirdness of the girlfriend issue. Which I know you are all DYING to read about.

Now, either this guy is hiding something from all others (in which case he is not doing a very good job of it, what with the PDA IN THE HALLWAYS), or he is a pathological liar. Or he's a polygamist, as I suggested earlier today to Karen. But that's highly unlikely. There is also the possibility that Karen's info is totally off and he has had this AOL profile for a long long time and has not updated it for like a year.

In any case, I am not letting this girlfriend thing throw me anymore. I mean, who cares if he has a gf right now? Not like they're married or engaged or whatever (which would be kind of weird). I can change his mind. And I fully intend to. I see something here, and I'm not going to let it just slip away because he's taken or whatever. Relationships don't even mean anything in high school. It's nice to have a "sweetheart," I presume, but I personally would have a couple good friends to keep for a while. Maybe he and I will just be friends. But I won't mind.

Yeah, 10 more minutes until the Internet shuts off. I've done enough speculating for one night. I'll end on this. Goodnight, D-land.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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