2003-03-10 ~ 10:12 p.m.
is there a world you long to see?

Listening to:

Listening to ::ahem:: Les Miz. What else??

NICE! D-land works at last! I hate being one of the unpriveliged.

Not like I had oh-so-much to say. It was just frustrating me that I couldn't write an entry...and now I am like YEAH! ENTRY! But...what to write?

Today was a really really really bad day, actually. Usually when bad things happen to me, something cool happens to balance it out. But today it was just one disappointing thing after the other. Lots of bad stuff happened. I was bad in Band, and in lessons, and Mr. K doesn't like me, and then my water bottle opened in my bookbag and everything inside became completely soaked. And then in lunch I was attacked by a pothead who wanted his fries before me, and then I went to History and participated in a debate which I knew nothing about (and made a really stupid point that everyone disagreed with), and then I went to gym, where we did stretching. And Mr. Valore has decided that I am like the permanent demonstrator for everything, and I am to remain in front of the class at all times. So great, everyone gets to watch me contort myself. Just what I've always wanted.

After the contorting, these girls in my class were like "are you a dancer??" And I was like, "no, I was born like this." Come on now people. Use your minds a little.

And then I went to Geometry, and, well, nothing bad happened, but I was just bored.

So now I'm just sitting here, hoping my dad doesn't come upstairs and find me writing an entry instead of "studying." Why don't they understand that you do not study for no reason? They're like "you should be looking ahead to be prepared for the next lesson!" And I just have to laugh. It's amazing how little they know (little they caaaaaaare). Whoa, random Les Miz-ness. That has been happening often, but I assume I will get over this in like a week or so.

Tomorrow is my little sister's birthday. She is turning eleven. God, I remember when I was eleven. I was the ugliest and most awkward looking little kid in the world. I was oblivious to this, however, so it was all good. I was just oblivious to everything in 5th grade. I remember when my biggest worries were about gym class and not about, like, failing Spanish. I wish we could learn 5th grade curriculum forever. I loved the stuff we did: Space Exploration in Science, Fantasy Literature, Historical Fiction, and Poetry in Literature, the American Revolution and Civil War era in Social Studies...Good times. 5th grade is where I developed my obsession with Lewis Carroll, and with the fantasy genre. My fifth-grade teacher was the first to really encourage my writing skills and tell me to my face that I had true potential. I miss that. I miss that personal aspect of school. Now it's like, in, out, walk around, go home, work, sleep, go back, in out, walk around, go home. I hate this. When I become a teacher I'm going to work in a small school so I can know my students more as individuals rather than as a grade.

Well, that was refreshing. I haven't babbled on and on in, what, weeks? I'm glad we had this talk. I'll leave you be now. Goodnight, D-land.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




Random Entry

