2003-04-12 ~ 11:16 p.m.
goodnight bay-beee

Listening to:

Listening to: "Te Aviso Te Anuncio," Sha-KI-ra.

Just spent the night watching Nickelodeon, Noggin, and the Disney Channel.

A night very well spent.

I watched the Kid's Choice Awards. I don't normally do that, unless one of my favorite artists is nominated for something, in which case I make it a point to watch it EVERY SINGLE TIME IT AIRS. But this time it was just on, and I wanted to watch that new series about how the Rugrats are all grown up, so my sister and I left it on.

I never realized how, like, heartfelt and sincere that award show is. All the artists that show up aren't there for like prestige or anything. They're just there because they wanted to have fun and wanted to convey a good message to kids. Sure, there are some who were maybe just pulling a publicity stunt, but...I really doubt it. Will Smith won the "Wannabe" award, an award that you win because little kids voted you as a person that they want to be like.

His speech was adorable. He said all this stuff that everyone's parents say all the time, like "Read EVERY day" and "Never let anyone tell you you're not good enough or smart enough to reach your goals," but for some reason simply because he's a movie star, all those little kids cheered after what he said, where they might have groaned or rolled their eyes at their parents...I don't know. Maybe there were applause signs lit up or something. But I'd like to think otherwise.

Also, Michelle Pfeiffer, Ashton Kutcher, Frankie Muniz, and Justin Guarini and Kelly Clarkson were there! Hooray for celebrities!

And then I watched "All Grown Up," a new series based on the Rugrats special called "Rugrats: All Growed Up." I am such a Dorkus McGorkus, cause I really really liked it. But I'm the biggest cartoon freak of the whole universe so yeah.

And then I watched an episode of Daria on The-N (Noggin). It was Daria-like.

And then I saw that Lizzie McGuire was on the Disney Channel so I switched to that. Woooo good show. Hilary Duff pisses me off, but that Adam Lambert guy is not bad. Not bad at all. His hands are so-fine.

And now I'm sitting here. Writing an entry. Tomorrow's Palm Sunday (or Passion Sunday too, if you go to my church), and I don't exactly have the music for tomorrow. Oh well, after learning 11 piano songs in a week and a half, I think I'll do just fine tomorrow sight-reading one note at a time.

I'm getting slightly more confident about playing on Easter Sunday, though I still know I'll be really nervous and make a lot of mistakes. I hope I can get some rehearsal time in with Linda (the singer). That will probably help.

So hm, now I'm just sitting here. But I don't feel like this entry is over yet. Let's talk about Shia LaBeouf and how much I want to see his new movie, Holes (based on the SUPER FABULOUS book).

Shia LaBeouf is just too cute. He's not really that hot in an obvious kind of way, but he's a really really good actor. I saw him in a Disney Channel movie called Tru Confessions in which he played a teenager with a mental disability. From then on I was just like YOU are the BEST ACTOR EVER. And he's in all these little Disney Channel commercials where he's talking about himself and stuff and he's just really funny.

In conclusion, I really really really really like Shia LaBeouf even though I'm not sure how to pronounce his name.

Yikes. I just read back my entry and realized that I REALLY REALLY have no life. I'm just going to go now, before I say something even stupider. Goodnight, D-land.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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