2003-04-29 ~ 11:13 p.m.
adios muchachos

Listening to:

Listening to: Nope.

Anyone know what the weather's going to be like in the Philadelphia region tomorrow? Anyone? Anyone? Fine.


So I woke up this morning, and once more, a mutated version of some other person's slight headcold had apparently exploded inside of my throat. I couldn't swallow or speak for like 20 minutes. It was bad.

Now I am not doing any better. All today I was lightheaded and unfocused, which probably was not a good thing as I took a History test today too. In fact, all of today kind of seems like a blur. I think I may have blacked out sometime in the middle of my �ber-boring Bio lab, and gone through the rest of the day in a kind of zombie-like trance. I'm sure that's how I looked to my friends. Yeah. Today = Not fun. Maybe tomorrow my throat will have prevailed over the evil demon viruses that are occupying it at the moment. Well, let's just hope.

Soon and very soon I will be applying for my driver's permit. Watch out, South Jersey. Melissa's on the loose. Actually not really. I am excited about being able to get myself from place to place without parental assistance, but at the same time I'm really scared that I'm going to be a sucky driver and crash into all sorts of things. My friends haven't been much of a consolation, but then again they know me better than I know myself, in my opinion. My parents insist that "any idiot can learn to drive," but I am still a little anxious. I also don't fancy much the idea of getting into a car with a total stranger and having him/her instruct me on the one thing I will actually need to know for the rest of my life. I would really really really just like to learn from my parents. Is that an option here? If not, it should be.

So it looks like I don't really think I'm ready to start driving, I guess, from this previous paragraph. But I think I've come across the wrong way. As soon as I learn how to handle a car and navigate myself, I'll think that I'm ready to start driving. But obviously I will never attain that kind of knowledge until I get some driving lessons. So basically I have no way out. I guess I will have to just bite the bullet (Whoa. Is that even a real expression? Did I use it in the right context?) and face the music (Wow. Two bad clich�s in a row. When will the madness end??).

Okay so I'm really tired and I think my throat is losing miserably to the demon virus. So I'm going to get some rest. Goodnight, D-land.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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