2003-04-29 ~ 12:07 a.m.
while in their memories

Listening to:

Listening to: And nothing.

Are you all ready for an ambiguous and vague entry directed towards someone whose name will not be revealed for artistic purposes? I mean it'll ruin the mood if you all know who the person is...Anyway, here goes.

I want to help you. I wish I knew who you are. You sure as hell don't seem to know who you are, though, don't think I haven't noticed. I see enough of you throughout the day to realize that you live a double life. And not in an exciting Catch Me If You Can way, but on the contrary, in a most unsettling way. I see you around and you smile and joke, you laugh at it all. But I know, through sources that I should never have discovered, that you are a lost soul in need of a caring friend.

I want to be that friend. I'm sure you've got plenty of friends who are willing to do that for you, though. You just don't see it. I'd almost say people like you make me sick. You've got so much going for you, it seems, and yet you push it all away simply because you "feel empty."

But I have to relate--I truly do understand what you mean. It's not just enough to live up to other people's standards of "satisfied"-- you've got to accomplish your own goals, too. See? I do get you.

What frustrates me most is that I see you, but I doubt you have or ever will see me. To you I'm the female equivalent of Mr. Cellophane in Chicago--you can look right through me, walk right by me, and never know I'm there. I hate it because I know that I have something to offer that could help you and me both: a listening heart and an open mind. Comparto tu pena--I share your grief.

God, if there was any more reason to bring two strangers together, this would be it. The reason I ask you is because I don't see any way that the two of us could ever cross paths excepting that fate steps in. And I guess that's what I'm looking for right now. Some kind of miracle. Cause frankly, I need someone like him too. Not as a romantic interest, but as a friend. That's all.

I don't know how to end this. This is the most open free-write I've done in this diary yet. I don't intend to ruin that by stopping to think about a clever ending. That's all I needed to say, I got it off my chest, now aren't you all glad I shared that? Hmm. I'm not going to re-read it, because three sentences in I'll find something I hate about it and change it. I know this was probably really confusing for everyone who reads, but you know what? My diary. I'm glad we had this little chat, diary. Goodnight.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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