2003-05-25 ~ 11:12 p.m.
i'm a fool for distraction

Listening to: "Consistency," Ari Hest. Everyone download it. Best song ever.

Wow-za. Fun day. I went to Lindsay's house for the barbecue, and our friend Kaitlin was there. We had a lot of fun just chatting and being silly. And that was about it. It was good times though.

And now I'm home alone. Ooh lala. I wish I knew people to invite for a crazay house party. Actually even if I did know people to invite for a crazay house party, I probably wouldn't have it anyway because I'm afraid people would trash my house and I would have to clean it up all by myself and wahhh it would be bad.

This is why I will probably never ever have any of that typical high school/college party fun--because even though I'm like sixteen, I just don't see the appeal. Is that weird? Actually, I don't really think it is. And I don't think that big parties and getting drunk and stuff should be considered the typical idea of teenage fun. It's not, really. Most of the kids who I normally associate myself with don't really attend big drugs/alcohol parties, either. But maybe that's because we are never invited to them. But! If I was invited to one of them, I definitely wouldn't go. Because, I don't see the appeal.

Come full circle..

I just repeat myself over and over again, don't I?

Okay anyway! Moving on. There actually is not much more for me to talk about. Played flute at church today with Linds. It actually started out really really well cause we were super in-tune, but then we sat down for the homily and when we came back up, somehow my headjoint had mysteriously been pushed in like 2 cm (probably by myself, actually) and it was like AUGGH because of the sheer out-of-tune-ness.

That was a really long sentence. I'm just going to stop now. I'm not sounding any smarter as this entry continues.

I'll probably write some more tomorrow. No school, yayyy. Goodnight, D-land.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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