2003-06-15 ~ 10:26 p.m.
the candyman can!

Listening to: willy wonka in the background

I am currently on the basement computer because...well, in a fit of rage my father unplugged the computer in my bedroom and I don't think I'm allowed to hook it back up. Or if I am allowed, I'm not going to do it just yet because he probably still wants me to ask permission.

Aside from that, though, today was a fabulous Father's Day. I played flute at church. No big news there. We went to Friendly's for lunch and my dad ate a crapload of food, which was nice to see because he usually makes a big deal out of "limiting" himself to set a good example for me and my sister. Whaatever.

After Friendly's we stopped at a furniture store "just to look" because we need a new couch for the family room. My parents ended up buying a really really nice leather couch/loveseat/armchair set and I like it a lot. It's supposed to be delivered this Saturday. I am far too excited about a new couch than I should be.

Okay wow Willy Wonka is really creepy when you are just listening to it and not watching. The old guy who's like "Nobody ever goes in.....and nobody ever comes out!!" is a little scary. Bring on the Oompa Loompas please.

Tomorrow is my last final! Bio whoooo. I have not studied at ALL, which is probably a mistake. But I have completely stopped caring at this point. So we'll see how that goes. On Tuesday I'm not going to school at all, I should probably figure out something to do while I'm at home. I think on Tuesday I'm going to walk with Melanie to Beck, to give her The Grand Tour and maybe visit some of my old teachers.

Melanie is really nervous about going to middle school. I remember being really scared, too. I had asked Abbey as much as I could but she didn't remember anything. I at least remember the layout of the school and some of the teachers. I am happy to help her become less nervous about going to middle school because honestly, if someone had told me to just relax and realize that middle school is seriously not a big deal, I would have been much more successful.

I am really not-tired because I had a super-long nap around like 6:00 until about 8:45. Then I watched the Even Stevens Movie again eeeeee! I still love you Shia LaBeouf. Ahem.

And last but not least, today is Lindsay's birthday of course. Hooray Lindsay! I think she went to her aunt's house and I guess she is maybe still there? I hope her birthday was as good as it could have possibly been :) Hurrah.

Now I'm going to force my sister to watch Willy Wonka with me because I'm getting kind of scared. I haven't been alone in the basement for a long time and it's not as fun as I remember.

Goodnight, D-land

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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