2003-06-27 ~ 11:27 p.m.
she started with a bang

Listening to: newly burned Chicago cd

The Friday Five (told you I'd start doing it!)

1. How are you planning to spend the summer [winter]?
Well, so far I've done nothing, nothing, and ummm what was it? Ah yes, NOTHING. I did go on a job hunt but no one wants me. I will have random pockets of productivity, like my driving lessons and SAT review classes and Myrtle Beach, but generally I'll be sitting at home watching TV alone. Great.

2. What was your first summer job?
Completely not applicable.

3. If you could go anywhere this summer [winter], where would you go?
I really want to go back to Disney World. The last time I went was when I was 9. I am Disney World deprived! The Philippines, however, would be accepted, as long as I could still take Vanessa with me and as long as we could spend most of our time in Palawan, which is a tropical paradise if I ever saw one.

4. What was your worst vacation ever?
When I was like 11 or 12 we went camping in the Poconos. Ohhh man. It was gross. Worst of all, just down the hill there was a hotel and like a kid's daycamp with a nice big pool and air conditioned bedrooms. Whenever we went down the hill to use the bathrooms I'd see all the kids and they'd just look so clean and NOT consumed by mosquitoes.
Also there was square dancing, and that was just embarrassing.

5. What was your best vacation ever?
My best memory of a vacation was probably either Disney World when I was 9 or Myrtle Beach 2 years ago. Both just involved like untainted, unadulterated FUN. And, in Myrtle Beach's case, a lot of relaxation and a really great tan.

This Friday Five was actually kind of boring because I've talked about what I'm going to do this summer a couple times. But ya know. I had to start sometime.

Just got back from Ilana's house. We watched a tape of Jason Mraz's self-documentary. Also we played Outburst and ate food and I got scared by a gnat. It was good times.

Maybe I'll make a self-documentary. What would I document, though? Me lying on my bed, reading Annotated Alice? That is all I do anyway. Besides write in here, that is.

Anyway, the Mrazz is amazing live, just as I suspected, and he's super funny and...yeah, I have two words: fans herself. He's not bad on the eyes, or anything. Ya know? And now I am really angry that I missed the concert.

I didn't do much else today. The papers came in the mail for my driving lessons registration, maybe a couple weekends from now I'll start learning. Eeep. I guess I'll be okay. Today I parked the car in the garage all by myself. It took me like 15 minutes to do it, though. But whatever, it was pretty cool.

Michelle Branch is coming to my mall tomorrow! But! I don't think I can go...I promised to take my sister to Finding Nemo. I haven't told her about Michelle Branch; she'd probably really love to go to that, too, but I don't know if I want to take her. It would be kind of boring with just my sister. Ilana will be there, too, but it will be hard to find her and I don't think she wants to hang out with my sister.

So I guess it's a no go on Michelle Branch. Maybe I'll just wait until she comes here in concert. Then I'd be sure it's a performance, too. I think the mall thing might just be a signing.

Well, I'm super tired. Tomorrow I've got...things, and Sunday after church we're taking Melanie to camp. Wah, more people leaving me alone and bored. It will be too quiet without Melanie. More about this tomorrow and Sunday, though. I'm really sleepy. Goodnight, D-land.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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