2003-07-05 ~ 12:04 p.m.
de dye dye dye-de dye

Listening to: Stephen Lynch, yayyyyyy.

This entry is long overdue; I actually got home on Thursday night. However, these past days I actually have been really busy.

Happy Belated 4th of July, everyone! Yesterday all my mom's high school friends came to our house because they're supposedly planning the real reunion that's taking place in Las Vegas. Holy CRAP. My mom's friends are SO FREAKING LOUD. Last night I just walked up to her and was like "Why are you all yelling?" They're standing like 2 feet apart from each other and they're like OH MY GOD DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH???. Yeeesh. Make it stop, please.

Anyway, yes, the Two Sisters are really nice and fun. I took them to the mall yesterday and we did some major shopping. Nicki's (the older of the sisters) boyfriend, John, came along on the trip too, so he was our bag-holder.

After the mall John drove us to Diane's (the BEST water ice place in like the country) because none of them had had water ice before! WHAT!?! Anyway, they liked it a lot and Jackie, the younger one, finished hers off and was like "...I think I want another one..." I felt very accomplished to have introduced something as fabulous as Diane's to out-of-staters.

We got home from Diane's and the Old Folk were getting hammered on margaritas and karaoke-ing, so we decided to go to Blockbuster and rent some movies. We got Just Married (I love you Ashton Kutcher eeeeeeeeeee) and Signs. Both were good. Lindsay said Signs would be lame, but um I was scared nonetheless. The aliens could have been a little more than a shadowy figure and an occasional close-up on a hand, but maybe that would have taken away from the suspense. Anyway, I liked how everything kind of came together at the end, like "swing away" and the little girl's water glasses and...yeah.

And now I'm home alone because the Old Folk are going to Atlantic City to embarrass themselves some more, and the Two Sisters & Boyfriend went back to Mystic Island to go to the beach. Okay can I just say that only people who live as far west as they do buy a shorehouse in Mystic Island. It was the worst shoretown I've ever seen. You had to drive to the beach, for God's sake. Come on now. Hee.

Well, that's all I've been up to, really. I'm super bored so maybe I'll try and get someone to come over and keep me company. I'm supposed to review SAT material because I start SAT review classes tomorrow, but um let's just say I would like to avoid doing that AT ALL COSTS. So we'll see how that goes. Later, D-land.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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