2003-07-30 ~ 11:36 p.m.
spinning through the lives of the people you know

Listening to: Nothing at the moment

Today is my dad's birthday

For he's a jolly good rooookie

We went out and I saw

a) At the restaurant, some guy who kept looking in the general direction of my table and so I got all paranoid and starting eating very carefully so as not to drop chicken on my skirt or anything, but he was probably looking at like the poster behind us. Still, staring is bad manners.

b) At Best Buy, this teenage couple having a fight in the car parked next to us, and the girl was all like sobbing sobbing YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANYMORE!! and the guy was just acting like they were having a normal conversation, ha-haaa. And then we came out of the store like 30 minutes later and that same couple was sitting on this island in the parking lot and the girl was still waving her arms around and screaming at him and the guy just had this tired, exasperated look on his face...and I just laughed.

c) In Barnes and Noble, a teenage boy...reading ALLURE MAGAZINE. I couldn't even stop myself from laughing. Holy crap. Too funny for words.

So yes there was a trip to Barnes and Noble :) There are like 15 books I want to buy but since I had no money I bought Project Princess, the newest (and shortest) Princess Diaries book by Meg Cabot, and the new Gossip Girl book. I just finished Project Princess. Good times.

Anything else? Nope. Piano tomorrow, which I am not necessarily dreading, mostly because hopefully MIKE will be there, and also because I actually did practice this week and I made some progress on "Clair de Lune," so. Yes. But that means tomorrow I'll have to blow-dry my hair in the morning again because now I know it looks much better when I do that, and well um I would like my hair to NOT look like crap around Mike.

Researched some planetariums today. I decided I liked Fels Planetarium, the one at the Franklin Institute, the best, because, well--it's in the Franklin Institute, and it just rocks. But my mom is all like, I don't wannaaaa. She sucks. I wish I had a boyfriend who could drive and had a car and would take me (and Vanessa, and Lindsay) there. Poor me.

And omg did you know that if you ever have "purchased" a star (like, paid a company to pick out an actual existing star and name it after you or some other person), you have been ROBBED of your money, because there's only ONE organization that's legally given the ability to name anything in space (The International Astronomical Union, or IAU), and they don't ever sell names of stars! I found their website and they were like, I'm sorry, we don't do that, but if you really want to buy one, go ahead, but just know that like your star will never actually be named after you in any star charts, and no astronomers will be like, "And here is Star Melissa, blah blah."

Which means the most romantic part of A Walk to Remember is COMPETELY NOT ROMANTIC ANYMORE. Before I was like, awww if a guy named a star after me, awww. But now if they did I'd be like, Honey you wasted your money, there isn't a star named after me anywhere, now some company just has your money after sending you a star chart and making a little circle around a random star. Sorry."

Ewwww. Stupid fraudulent star-namers.

So yeah that was my disappointment of the day. But oh well.

Tomorrow I need to walk to Barnes and Noble with my sister to buy Lindsay's Friendship Day gift. I would feel better about this if I hadn't checked my checking account online today and realized I have only $218 DOLLARS LEFT. I went for $440 to $218 in one summer, and there's no way that money's coming back because I HAVE NO JOB. Arrrrgh. Why am I a stupid money-spender?!?

Aaaaanyway. Sorry about that, I actually am kind of excited for Friendship Day. I think my present will be cute and cool but not over-the-top, which is good because it's not like it's her birthday or anything. But then again, I think Friendship Day should be more widely celebrated. But then it would turn into one of those greeting card holidays that no one likes. Ow, my brain.

Yeah I'm tiiiired. I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight, D-land.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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