2003-09-21 ~ 9:06 a.m.
inside you're ugly

Listening to: YOU CAN'T SAY! I DIDN'T GIVE IT!

A few sayings of the moment:

"Excellent..." Said, of, course, in an adverse or unfortunate situation--for irony, you see.

"Kick-asssss" I said this about 900 times under my breath yesterday at the game whenever something cool/good happened. Especially after the SINGLE!! touchdown we scored. Hey, considering the most coveted runningback in the nation is on that team, it's a miracle that we only lost by 20 or so points. I really thought we would have been like 200-0 by the 2nd quarter.

Then again, we were playing their second string. At least the coach had the decency to not humiliate us too much.

"CrapTASTIC" This phrase originated during the filming of Oedipus last May. Everytime I say it, this is the response I get: "Hehe......did you just say 'craptastic??'" Nonetheless, I can't help using it.

Spent a million years at Lindsay's house yesterday when I probably should have been doing work. But hey, everyone needs a break.

Hey! I never mentioned, I made it into the hand-bell ensemble!! Yeah, I'm really cool! I can't wait until we start so I can make pretty music. One of my favorite things to do.

So, Miss America Pageant? Why do I continue to watch it year after year? I just get all pissy about the fact that it still exists. Okay, cool, the end prize is that you get to speak to the youth of America about a worthy issue. But do we need to have the contestants model swimsuits and evening wear in preparation for that job??

Oh, can't forget the "casual wear." What in GOD'S name was that?? Whoever thought of that needs to be shot.

The only thing I have ever liked about the pageant is the talent portion. It think it deserves to be broadcast because the fact that you've worked on something and practiced it until it's perfect, shows devotion, discipline, and dedication.

But this year 4/5 of the contestants sang. Not like singing doesn't require a LOT of practice and dedication, but...they were BAD!! I mean, for the fact that they've probably been singing at least since high school...right? Whatever.

Anyway, congratulations to the winner (Miss Florida? Miss Maryland? errr). I hope she makes the most of her opportunity because it's a really great job to have...but I don't understand why she needed to prance around on a runway in a bikini to get it.

Ooh, talked to Elena online in Spanish today! I was so good. After a while some things just come to you. I still have some problems speaking but that's what the Spanish Exchange trip is for! I'm super excited now.

Today? Church, then WORK. I have Algebra, History, Spanish, and English. I HATE SCHOOL RRRRRR. Junior year is the worst thing ever. I want sophomore year back. Even though there would be a Hell Week every so often, like maybe 2x a month, there would also be hugely long periods of time where I really didn't have much to do. This is apparently not the case this year. I can't stand how everything suddenly gets so important just in this year. I want to like drop all my classes and switch into like M-level classes, just to avoid all the work.

Yeah, M-level is for people with major ADHD, just to let everyone know.

Alright. I have to go do some stuff. Entry later, probably, cause I'll be procrastinating. Later, D-land.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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