2003-09-28 ~ 9:43 a.m.
time is creeping around me

Listening to: nothingggah

Two new phrases for the year that I neglected to include in that other entry:

"Okay cooooool" - I have no idea where this came from. It sounds really retarded when I say it but I can't help doing it.

"TREMENDOUS." - This is from Romy and Michele's High school reunion I think Janeane Garofalo says it. I like using it, I feel smart.

I have to admit that the reason I haven't been updating on here that much is not just because of work--recently I got a Xanga, and I have been paying a lot of attention to that blog because all of my friends and most of the people in my town have one. This diary will always be my first love, though, because soon people will stop liking their Xangas but I'll still never stop writing in here. The D-land community is so much better than the Xanga community, in my opinion. People blog for different reasons here, and you find so many more worthwhile diarists, people who really have something to say and are truly good writers. That's because most Xanga-ers are Asian teenagers and most D-landers are adults.

So I'm sorry about not writing in here as often. Not just to the few readers that I have, but to myself...when I write in my Xanga it's usually to make an impression on certain people I know are reading. In here it's all about me. I need a place to truly vent more than I need to impress people.

Really, once I get started in here I almost can't bring myself to stop, and it's not that way in Xanga. In Xanga I know there's lots of people who could end up reading my stuff. Here I can flip out about nearly anything, albeit using code names.

So there's the I-Feel-Guilty portion of the entry.

Last night I watched Silence of the Lambs with Ilana and Karen. It was actually a very, very good movie. The plot was excellent, no holes, a GREAT twist, and one of the best endings ever. I don't understand why they felt the need to make a sequel.

I don't know if Karen and Ilana thought it was as fabulous as I did, though. I don't know if I would see it again simply because parts of it are so gross, and the suspense of it just isn't the same the second time around. But maybe I will, one day, because when you watch movies again and again you begin to notice little things that you hadn't before. Yeah.

I have been getting the feeling that Lindsay's feeling left out because of the scary movies, and her Xanga entry yesterday confirmed that. Honestly we never wanted her to be sad about it. We figured she'd be better off not coming because she hates this kind of stuff and wouldn't enjoy herself anyway. But it's also partly our fault for purposely doing things we knew she wouldn't want to do, on nights we knew she was free. We've decided not to make M.I.L.K. events into scary movie nights unless Lindsay suddenly has to babysit or something. Halloween we still want to watch scary movies but we are extending this invitation to Lindsay. This time it's a bit more appropriate because Halloween is usually scary movie time, and it's not like random watching of the Exorcist. So yes. Sorry Lindsay! With all the stuff you have going on you probably didn't need to feel excluded too. We know now.

Today? Churching, the Kaitlin's Parrrt-AY. Should be bushels of fun. We're gonna watch the Friends episode I missed because of last week's MB peformance. Curse you, Thursday games!

WOW I'm tired. This week coming up is going to be hell, I can feel it already. Oh well. I'll get through it. It's just a matter of getting through it successfully.

My room is a HUUUUGE mess. I can't function properly when everything is all thrown around and stuff. But I haven't had any time to just clean everything up.

I sound like my mom. I need to get out more.

Oh! Speaking of which, this week the Fun Quota was broken TWICE. But this probably means no fun at all next weekend. Yeah, literally. Because on Saturday I have to take a Practice PSAT and then Sunday I'm going to the place to go over my scores and like have a review session. Right. I hate being a student. Worst job ever.

And I think that's all. I'll be going now. Later, D-land.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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