2003-09-30 ~ 9:29 p.m.
say do you remember? dancing in september?

Listening to: last time, that we had this con-ver-sa-tion, i decided we should be friendsss

I am FEELING the old-school Spice Girls right now. Brings me back to a simpler time. Ahh good old fourth grade. Haa. How crazy is it that I'm only 16 and I already have nostalgia? And that the nostalgia is the SPICE GIRLS, for God's sake? They were like the first album I bought. Good stuff.

Today was a good day. I was so sleepy this morning, though, and everyone was irritating me because it just seemed like everyone was talking SO LOUDLY and I was like ahhhhhhh shut upppppppp why are you screaming? But I got a little nap in first period gym, so by about 3rd period I was alright. Then I took the Colonial Lit test, which was...yeah. Confusing. Some parts were ridiculously easy and others I was like, you have to be kidding me. This was one of the questions:

"In 'Upon the Burning of my House,' the author describes a ________ situation."

WHAT??!?!?! That could be anything!! "Realistic," "Unfortunate"..."Yellow"!! Anything!! What is she thinking??

I should be reading the first four chapters of The Scarlet Letter. Instead I'm writing in here. I think I'll be okay, mostly because I don't plan on taking very good notes tonight. I was also going to catch up on my History reading tonight, but that will obviously not be happening.

Flute lessons today. Stephanie told me my tone has improved a lot and I'm less airy. I hope she's right and there is a difference. I always will think I'm getting better because I'm my own biggest fan, but others beg to differ. She is my teacher though, and wouldn't say stuff like that unless it was true.

Good things today:
-Celebrations! Ringing bells is funnn.
-In band I am good at the chromatic scales and Mr. K says we are coming along nicely (even though he doesn't mean it...but it's nice to hear anyway).
-Our neighbors needed me to babysit their son and daughter, who are both fun, but I had to go to flute (sniffle) but my mom offered to watch them anyway (yay!) so I got to hang with them a little.
-We had garlic bread during dinner today, which I really love.
-At flute lessons I saw 2 semi-cute boy musicians (I think what made them cute was the fact that they were carrying a guitar and a trumpet case, respectively), and had a little laugh with them when I couldn't get around them on the stairs.
-My dad has been nice lately because he says he's noticed my "attitude change," okay cool, but I hadn't realized I changed anything. But still, good!

Yay I like this list of good things. It makes me happier at the end of the day.

Is it me or has the sky suddenly started getting super-clear around here? I think last year I just assumed you couldn't see anything here because of all that ambient light in Philly. But today, wow. I like gasped when I looked up. First of all, I found the moon! It'd been hiding for a while. There was a crescent moon today, waning (? I think), and with the stars it was like my dream. Just think how excited I would be like in the mountains or something, if I get all breathless over a couple dozen stars and a crescent moon.

And now I've got to go read some Scarlet Letter! Goodnight, D-land.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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