2003-11-23 ~ 7:06 p.m.
it's peanut butter survey time

Listening to: "Talk In Tongues," Natalie Imbruglia

1.Do you like having your picture taken?
Sometimes I just don't have a choice. I always seem to be the subject of silly/weird pictures. This is upsetting.

2.Have you ever done a photo shoot, professional or non?
When I was like...4, my parents and I went to a photography place and got a family portrait. Wahooo

3.If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
I couldn't choose just one and I wouldn't want to stay there forever.

4.Who would you take with you on this little adventure?
Everyone! (who is reading this diary. ha threw you a curve ball there)

5.What would you say is the most daring thing to do in a lifetime?
This question is silly

6.Would you ever do that?
Yes. What?

7.Have you ever done crossword puzzles?

8.Ever actually completed one?
Um. Yes. Survey you are naive.

9.Pick up the closest book and write a sentence at random from it.
"But now, as I hear [the words] unfold in my head again, a reply springs to mind, and I whisper, 'And I would die for you.'" ooh, ahh.

10.Do the same with a lyric from either a cd or the radio.
"And I'll keep waiting for days and days and days"

11.Have you ever tried to analyze your own dreams?
My dreams are pretty shallow and don't require much analysis. But they are WEIRD as anything.

12.Would you put up posters in your room?
omG posters?! Who would ever do a thing like that?! Scandalous. Yeah I'd put up posters if I had the room on my walls for it.

13.Can you sing?
Haha, I can physically sing, doesn't mean it sounds all that nice.

14.Do you ever sing to yourself while doing everyday tasks?

15.What's your favorite color of post-it note?
Haha, anyone seen Romy and Michele's High School Reunion? "I invented them ALL BY MYSELF. All Michele said was, 'What if we made them yellow?'"

16.How many cassette tapes do you own?
We have a bunch in the attic and in my dad's car. I like never listen to them though.

17.How many cd's do you own?
45 real albums (not mixes, though some are burned) and like a shitload of mixes that I should really listen to and decide if I still want.

18.Ever bought a cd for just one song?
Yes haha.

19.What would your perfect day consist of?
No school, lots of sleep, driving, kid slim event, fooood, and a game of cranium :)

20.Have you ever lied to get off the phone or out of talking to someone on line?
No, never. (sarcasm)

21.Have you ever written a survey?
Uhh no. I have somewhat of a life.

22.How about a song? If so share it.
Ehh yeah but it sucks like no other so we won't be sharing it.

23.Or maybe a poem? If so share it or one of them.
Yes but poems = too personal so I won't be sharing those either.

24.Is your vcr flashing 12:00 all the time?
I think so haha.

25.Do you read your horoscope?
No, not really.

26.If so, do you base your day on it?
Uhh no.

27.Would you rather chew gum or use mouthwash and why?
Those 2 things don't have the same purpose for me...I guess they are supposed to but, yeah.

28.Do you floss?
Yes every night and i feel SO YUCKY (hahaha) if I don't

29.Are you addicted to napster like me?
That would be Kazaa and I have like 600 files that I need to start getting rid of.

30.How many times a year about are you sick?
I get really, really sick precisely once a year.

31.Ever been in an airplane?

32.If so where were you flying to?
Florida, Philippines, California

33.What radio station to you listen to most?
Sunny 104.5 oh yeeeah

34.What color are your shoes?
I am not wearing any shoes... oh baby

35.Was fuzzy wuzzy a bear?
Gee let's examine the evidence: "Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear." We can stop there. Yes, I think he was.

36.Do you know how to play dominos?
No, I don't think I do. Wow.

37.Or do you think I just mean pizza by that?
No survey, I did not. Do you think I am stupid?

38.Speaking of pizza, what's your favorite kind? (toppings and/or place to get it from)
I am so very accustomed to plain pizza but green peppers and onions are wonderful too. Mmm crunchyy (by the way, I got this survey from Ilana's old diary and she answered the same thing for this question! Pizza topping soulmates haha)

39.What color are your eyes?
Brown. Sha la la la la la la la la-la la dee da

40.How many surveys have you filled out this lifetime?
Haha, lots and lots.

41.Describe your bedroom, include all details.
UM! This would take 100 million years. It's generally full of star themed things but I have a shelf devoted to Alice in Wonderland things.

42.Name one person your life is made better by.
This sentence is very poorly constructed. But anyway. I.L.K. count as one person

43.Would you or have you ever shaven your head?
No thanks.

44.How about someone else's?
This is the weirdest survey ever

45.Can you do math with ease?
Depends on the kind of math

46.What size is your computer screen?

47.If you could only talk to one person online who would that be?
I could not, would not choose just one

48.Name your favorite type of music and why.
I do not have a type I shall not be labelled thank you very much

49.Are you a vegetarian?
No sir

50.How about an aspiring actor/actress?
No sir

51.What famous person dead or alive would you interview if you had the chance?
Agggh. I cannot, I cannot.

52.Which movie can you watch and say the lines along with the actors?
Now and Then, Clue, last but not least Josie and the Pussycats! "WYATT! Whycome my limited edition Coke can has a picture of me with a goatee when EVERYBODY knows I shaved into a soul patch for the 'Don't Tell Your Papa' video?? This is wickedy wack Wyatt! You should be on top of this." Ahhhh must. watch. again!

53.Name one your passions in life.

54.What's your least favorite time of day?
It's the perfect time of day. It's the best day. Of your life.

55.Who's your favorite member in a band, singer, guiter, bass, drummer, and why?
Hahaha I love the bass player! There is a whole monologue from Kids in the Hall about the beauty of a good bass player.

56.Do you use hairspray or gel?

57.Describe your favorite meal.
I like cereal

58.What color is the inside of your head when you close your eyes?
. It's...black.

59.Ever listen to classical music?
Yes I've got a couple CDs of that

60.Have you ever said lol in real life without thinking about it?
Yes but jokingly

61.Do you find you use internet language when writing notes in real life?
(Melissa's note: that question said "irl" but that is so lame so I changed it) Yes kinda.

62.What songs would be on your ideal cd?
(unlimited) Uggh. It would be like 999000 songs long so I can't possibly list.

63.Say one thing you've learned today.
The Disney version of the Sword in the Stone is different from the book in like all ways possible

64.What is the best present you've ever given someone else?
I give excellent, excellent presents. I always like the gifts I give.

65.What is the best present someone else has ever given to you?
Ahh, lots. I tend to like "homemade" stuff more than bought stuff unless the bought stuff has like EXTREME significance.

66.So hey, what's your full name?
So, hey, not telling.

67.Describe yourself while drunk.
Gee I wouldn't know survey. Why would you assume that I get drunk at all?

68.How big are the windows in your house?
I am so not going to go measure the windows of my house.

69.Do you wear a watch?

70.What's the kinkiest thing you've ever done with someone else?
Spiritual loooovemaking oh baby

71.What's the largest age difference between you and someone you've dated?
Not applicable :-P

72.How many mirrors do you have?
Whoever wrote this survey is really stupid

73.Write one sentence stating what you want people to say about you after you've passed on.
Nobody hated her.

74.Have you ever sailed?

75.How fast can you run?
Not very fast at all

76.What do you believe in?
Santa Claus

77.How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
I can do it in like a second.

78.Do you shower daily? If not how often?

79.What one thing would you change in your life if you had the power to do so?
Everything in my life up until now has made me the person that I am.

80.Describe the ideal superpower and what you would do if you had it.
We were not MEANT to have superpowers geez.

81.Are candles romantic or a fire hazard?
Candles are candles. They are meant to provide light.

82.Name something you've done in the last 24hrs no matter how big or small.
filled out 2 surveys

83.Do you wear necklaces, bracelets, anklets, earrings, rings?
a necklace, 2 rings, 5 bracelets, a watch and earrings. bling bling money ain't a thang

84.What colors are you wearing right now?

85.How often do you change the sheets on your bed?
Ehh... I have no idea

86.Have you ever gotten lost?

87.What's on your computer desk?
Lots and lots of stuff... if you must know: keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, phone, mousepad, cup 'o writing implements, index card box, Discman, picture frame, random papers, Orgel's vocab, The Named by marianne curley, a mug on a napkin, coldplay live 2003, a note from lindsay, and my "got milk" shirt. I have a large desk.

88.How many folders are on your desktop at the present moment?

89.When your talking do you ever use your hands to do quotation marks in the air when saying certain words?
Uhh no not for a while

90.Which landmark would you climb if you could?
I am leaving Ilana's answer cause it's so funny: "You."

91.Do you own or have you read, or thought of reading any self-help books?
No thanks

92.Ever seriously questioned your sanity?
Haha yeah

93.Can you breakdance?
That'd be a no

94.What's in your fridge right now?
Can't see my fridge but you don't care anyway do ya?

95.How many people do you live with?
3, sometimes 4, 5 if you think my dog's a person like he does.

96.Have you or would you ever do anything more than kiss in a public area?
Er, I really don't think so

97.What is the strangest thing you've ever done?
Uhh, lots and lots

98.Name an instrument you've never played but would like to.
The HARP. Oh I am obsessed.

99.Have you ever been on tv or the radio?
Only on the East channel

100.What is the worst thing anyone could ever do to you?
Liee to me, I promise I'll believe. Liiie to me, but please don't lee-eeave. No not really, I dont know. But that song is in my head.

101.Are you a fast typer?

102.How high have you counted before getting bored?

103.Describe how you sleep. (ie. your position and/or how you fall asleep)
Stomach usually? Lately on my back though

104.Are you straight, bi, gay?

105.Do you ever do something else while on the computer?
Watch TV if I'm in the basement, do homework, talk on the phone occasionally, listen to music all the time

106.What is the most expensive item you own?
I have no idea

107.How about the least expensive?
This water I am drinking

108.What's your favorite card game to play?
I don't remember

109.What do you do online?
Talk to people, download music, read people's various online weblogs

110.Name some stores you've bought clothes in before.
I cannot answer this, I cannot I cannot.

111.Have you ever read a book and not understood it? If so which one?
The Scarlet Letter. Just didnt' get it.

112.Have you ever watched a movie and not understood it? If so which one?
I watched Moulin Rouge in Spanish (the language, not the class) and I was like errr okay

113.Do people pick up your slang language more than you pick up theirs?
It's equal

114.Are you easily influenced by other people, or currant trends?
A currant is a small tart red berry. I am not usually influenced by trends in the currant industry

115.What makes you unique in your own opinion?
This is the worst question ever to ask.

116.Name your worst quality.
If I did that I would feel really bad about myself so I won't answerr

117.Name your best.
I have good taste in friends

118.What would you like to do with your life?

119.Do you blowdry your hair?
Not recently

120.How many clocks are in your house?
Lots n lots.

121.Are they all set on the same time?

122.Have you ever intentionally set a clock ahead or behind the actual time?

123.What do you think about when you first wake up in the morning?
I don't know, I don't think in the morning

124.Which browser do you use?
Internet Explorer.

125.Do you bite your nails?

126.Would you ever leave little notes to your gf/bf?
Would I? Gee I don't know it's just such a RISQUE thing to do

127.Ever been to a farm?

128.Tell me about your dream last night.
I remember having these things attached to my eyelids that like waxed your eyebrows for you... my God it was weird

129.Ever seen a shooting star?
Yes, a couple times. This sort of thing just seems to happen when you go outside every night to stare at the sky for 20 minutes. Wow who is an obsessed loser? Melissa is an obsessed loser. Is it truuue? Mmm hmm. I ...am, I am, I am, I a-aaam. Sorryyyyy.

130.Say one thing about yourself you've never told anyone.
If I've never told anyone why would I tell an online survey

131.Do your days fly by or seem to last forever?
lately, last forever

132.Have you ever stayed in a fancy high class rich hotel?
I don't think so

133.Have you ever stayed in a rent-by-the-hour motel?

134.What in your opinion is the best advertising slogan out there?
::Clap clap:: More SPAM!

135.When they start sending rockets to the moon for us civilians, will you be on the list to go?
No thanks unless like a hostile alien race was trying to take over the planet or something

136.How are you feeling right now?
136 questions is too many

137.Have you ever written anything on your skin?

138.If so what?
Things to remember

139.Which website do you frequent most often?

140.What color is most of your clothes?
blue most likely, and pink

141. Do you own any plants?
Yeah, lots

142.Are things as bad as they seem?
This survey is as bad as it seems

143.Descibe the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you.
Hmmm. The people in my life are all nice so I can't answer this eitherr

144.Ever looked directly at the sun?

145.Have you ever made a pin hole camera to watch the eclipse?
Nope. There has not been a solar eclipse here for like...a million years

146.What's your favorite cereal?
I love it all except Grape Nuts, they are so nasty

147.Who do you miss?
YOU. yes, YOU.

148.Name something you just can't forget no matter how hard you try.
So not answering this.

149.Describe the worst fight you've ever been in whether physical or verbal.
Some pretty bad ones with my parents but I will not answer this any furtherrr

150.Say something else about yourself you've never told anyone before.
You asked this already! what a sucky way to end a survey!

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

i'm portable - 2005-02-16

busy making big mistakes - 2004-06-12

i'm sorry I know that's a strange way to tell you - 2004-03-21

hello darkness - 2004-03-17

another night slips away - 2004-03-15

All words � MM 2001-03




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