2004-01-05 ~ 9:38 p.m.
i can't go for that, no can do

Listening to: "Brace Yourself," Howie Day

I have nothing good to say about my day at school. We will leave it at that.

I am afraid to ever go to a Sixers game for real because every time I watch we lose very badly... if I actually showed up to a game I am positive that something awful will happen like the whole team will be involved in a freak locker room accident in which they are rendered physically unable to play basketball. ::knocks on wood::

I miss being able to watch every game with my dad... I should have done it more when I was younger and I didn't have any homework. But back then I was truly disinterested in the sport because none of my friends wanted to talk about basketball, ever. Not hat they do now. I just don't care about that anymore :) heh.

So this Kyle Korver guy, number 26, he's my new favorite. I don't think I've ever mentioned him cause I just always forget by the next day how very cool I thought he was. Awww. Ha. Anyway, his 3-pointers make me weak in the knees. Ooh lala. I want to become friends with basketball players in college, and make them into my thugs, and I'll have them beat up people who mess with me. I think it's a realistic desire.

I have 3 things very important things to do, and 2 of them are already late and I'm like... screw it man. I started to do my Chem project that isn't really taking long, but I couldn't finish it because my brain is just not in the school mode yet. I did a LOT of work today... Algebra, Spanish, Chem (yeah, we had homework and I actually DID IT), and I looked over my English essay stuff and made a plan.

So yeah I feel accomplished but I have nothing to show for it, because I didn't actually write my essay and Spanish was just reading this paper. The Chem problems were too easy for me to feel excited about completing them. And I still have these 3 things hanging over my head: Essay, Element Project, Poe Blueprint (don't ask). I will have to do the element project and the blueprint tomorrow after school and then after flute lessons I need to start writing my essay. on Wednesday I want to finish my essay and record a tape of me speaking Spanish. Not to mention I'll have a buttload of other homework to do, too.

Thank God all we're doing in History for the next week is presentations, otherwise I'd have work in that class too... it's just too much for one person to handle.


Howie Day is so relaxing... Ilana brought my CD back today. I was just lying on my bed and listening and I felt so peaceful. Siiiiigh. I want to just lie around listening to music for my whole life... maybe occasionally leave the house to attend a concert or two. Is there a job like that somewhere? Please tell me yes.

Okay maybe I will start to finish my Chem thing tonight. Or maybe not. We'll see how I feel about it in a little while. Yup.

Goodnight, D-land.

Falling Upward ~ Falling Downward

Miss Anything?

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All words � MM 2001-03




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